Chapter 7: Dizzy

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Chapter 7: Dizzy

The blessed month of Ramadhaan had passed like ice cream on a hot day: far too quickly. Sania had been slightly lost with everything. It was the first time in her life that she was alone for Ramadhaan. The absolute quietness of the morning made her feel paranoid. The flat was too silent for her liking. Sania was too used to the sounds of her father dragging his feet, coughing up a lung and then loudly greeting her.

Then, there would be the occasional banging of cupboards as he looked for his special teacup.

Those sounds were comforting to Sania. It made her time at sehri feel too melancholic, but with Haaris starting to fast, it gave her something to look forward to. Sania prepared for him toast with melted butter and a thin layer of peanut butter, some bananas sliced and sprinkled with sugar and a dash of cinnamon, and she made certain to pour him a cup of hot chocolate into his Iron Man bottle.

With minimal effort from her side, Haaris was eager to begin fasting. In his class, three of his Muslim friends were also beginning their first time fasting. Initially, Sania worried whether he was too young to begin fasting, but after having Haaris hound her, she agreed.

In all truthfulness, Sania was loathed to admit that it was Izaad's kind persistence that made her change her mind.

After several days of radio silence from Izaad after her last message to him, Sania woke up to a message from Izaad.

'Assalaamu alaykum, Sania. Maaf to disturb you so late, just wanted to ask this before I forgot.

Would it be okay for me to pop in and take the little guy out for an hour or so? I would like to take him with me and have a bit of a boy on boy time, if that is okay with you.

He doesn't know that I plan to pop in, or ask you to let him have an hour with me. So, even if you decline, he will be unaware.

There is a Ferrari World toy car exhibit that is in town. I would love to take him to it, and then maybe grab something to eat.

If you wish to join us, that is fine with me as well.

Anything that you decide will be accepted by me.

Jazakallah for your time. I.'

Sania checked the time that his message was sent in, and was surprised to see it sent at 3.17am. The whole message made butterflies flutter rampantly around her stomach. Izaad was considerate of her feelings at every moment.

He had asked her permission before speaking to her son and promising him an amazing time. He had sought her out before mentioning anything to Haaris. More than that, Izaad had only invited her along – on what he wanted to be a boy trip.

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