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Dear Diary,

I went to homecoming with Sunwoo. On, like, Monday? He came up to me and asked if I wanted to be his date, because he'd apparently look like a loser if he didn't go with anybody. I don't know who this boy thinks he's fooling.

Homecoming was fun. Nothing that I didn't expect. Honestly, school dances like this are just excuses for students to make out and do really dumb shit in front of everyone. We sneak in alcohol every year, and the teachers never care. I caught Mrs. Lee drinking multiple cans of beer. I guess that even the strictest of people let loose when they get the chance. I feel bad for the person who's gonna take her home.

Hyunjoon and Younghoon weren't doing anything special. Just being super close and looking like a couple. Nothing special there. They're not even dating- if they were, Changmin would've told me.

Speaking of Changmin, I wonder where he went tonight. He kinda just disappeared. Oh well, I'm sure he's fine and just got bored.

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