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Dear Diary,

I killed him. Is that sudden? I don't know. It just happened.

I asked him why. I mean, today's the last day we'll ever be in high school again, and I just wanted to know what he had against me. He said that he hated me from first sight. He wanted to bring me to my knees and take everything from me. He said that if he had longer, he would've taken it all from me. I couldn't stop myself. I punched him. I punched him over and over again. I wasn't thinking straight, I was just seeing red.

Someone found me. His name is Sunoo, I think. He wasn't very shocked. In fact, he was more focused on getting rid of the body. He was thinking clearer than I was. We threw Hyunjoon into a river. My hands, our hands, they were stained with red. I'm still shaking while writing this. We're running away. I didn't even tell the Cheezits. Not even Changmin. I can't, he threw my phone into the ocean with Hyunjoon's dead body. He didn't take this diary, I didn't let him. My bloody fingerprints are on the pages now.

I started as a prince and ended as a murderer.

Sunoo gave me water earlier. It tasted quite funny. I'm getting sleepy. I think that I'll take a little nap. I'll feel better when I wake up.


«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

This chapter is literally like, 300 words and it's the longest chapter in this book PLS

What do my u&i readers think of the Sunoo cameo? Do you guys think that Sunoo recruited Chanhee, or do you think something else happened? Maybe we'll find out soon...

(btw you guys should totally read my other book u&i and also all my other books <3)

Anyways, this book is officially over! This book was so fun to write, and I can't believe I did it in two days. Even if it was incredibly short, I loved writing every word.

So, for the last time in this book,
Love ya, babes!
~your lovely author

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