Ghost heart

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The crowd applauded her as she continued singing,she was a girl in her late sixteen,slim and tall,she had a pretty face with a dark spot on her left cheeks,she was mostly teased by the name "ghost lady" because she was as white as one could imagine,her eyes were big and very charming anytime she looks or stare at someone or something,in fact she was adorable.In spite of all these features,she was very weird,she could sleep with her eyes wild open,who on earth does that anyway,she would laugh at the most annoying things and even create scenes after scenes,she was very friendly. With all these features,she got the "girl's crush" as her best friend,that was more like a blessing from the heavens.Each time they walk or do things together,you would see a lot of the girls with frowned faces,but did she and kenneth care,No way.Her name was Christine Adams.
"You did amazing",Kenneth exclaimed in the midst of the loud noise from the crowd,she smiled,as though she was blushing."Thanks buddy"she answered,walking towards the small room to change outfits.This was a festival they celebrate each year in school,and it was Christine's favorite because it reminds her of the first time she met Kenneth.She had finished performing her song and was already going off the stage,fortunately or unfortunately,she twisted her leg and fell from there,which she landed in Kenneth's arms,since that time,they became friends and early this year,they were already best friends. Kenneth Friday was a fine gentleman who was handsome and tall,he was every girl's crush .Christine got her outfits changed within few minutes and descended the stairs with Kenneth,they bid fare well as Christine hoped in her cousin's car."See ya,don't forget to call me huh,else I'll sue you tonight" she joked,waving at him.Kenneth would always smile at Christine anytime she did her "comedies"."she's so crazy"he told himself amidst a giggle and waited fot the car that was supposed to pick him up.
At home,Christine spoke to a few friends who congratulated her on her performance,she hugged her one eye teddy bear.Her phone suddenly rang,......"Ken,what's up" she picked up and began the conversation.

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