Happy Endings

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The existential idea of a "happy ending" is one that I've never really understood. I mean honestly the movies we watch and books we read are the worst lies we can feed ourselves. They tell us the typical "there is somebody for everybody" and get our hopes up that we will get to experience the rainy apologetic reunion that ends in a soggy kiss and happily ever after. Don't get me wrong everyone way deep down has, no matter how small, hope for one of these endings

When most people hear me talk this way they assume I am just a pessimist or have had some life changing event that has ruined my outlook on love in life. I'd like to rebut this argument but its true. Not that I've had some crisis that changed my whole view on love or that I'm a pessimist but I am, however, a realist. Many people view realists as ... Pessimist and this is one argument I can offer a rebuttal to. Pessimist are people who honestly see the metaphorical glass as half empty. They have a negative outlook on life and prepare for the worst possible outcome. Realist on the other hand see the metaphorical glass as just that. A fake glass that people form their whole Judgment on life around. Essentially a pointless figure of speech that neither helps nor hinders my ability to create my own life.

Ok, if you are still with me let me just tell you there are still times that I am a true romantic. I Mean who isn't. ....
You know those hallmark movies that have the guy that takes like a business trip or something to this small-town and has this rich uptight city girlfriend back in their penthouse apartment. While he is gone he meets this little country girl whose family owns like a Christmas tree farm or a small inn that is struggling. Continuing, the story goes on and he falls for the small town girl while helping her save the business and ends up calling to tell the uptight city girlfriend that he isn't coming back. He feels he has to save this business and couldn't live with himself if he were to leave them now in their time of hardship. In all actuality he is staying because he knows deep down he is in love with the small town girl and they live happily ever after. Meanwhile the city girl is broken hearted and animatedly  spilling everything to her besty over the phone while sporting a charcoal face mask and fluffy robe.

This kind of story is the reason I kind of hate romanticism. Everyone sees the happy couple that got everything they wanted and more often than not are led to believe that the city girl got what she deserved in the long run. That's the problem though, these movies portray the original girlfriend as the bad guy and sometimes she is but others she is honestly just living her life. What if you were put into her place as the girl that everyone hates and got dumped over the phone by your bf who is leaving you for a girl he has essentially know for a month. It'd probably suck wouldn't it, but that's not what people think about because once guy gets girl who cares what happens to anyone else.

It's not that I don't hope that one day I will get to dance in the rain and have the man of my dreams give me forehead kisses and make me breakfast in bed it's just that I can't honestly say I believe it will truly happen ...

Well anywho that's how I feel...

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