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Life is shit.

"Atleast I have 1 person" She thought. As she checked her watch. She was about to be late in a few minutes.

Before going up the stairs, she saw a familiar lunch bag. As she read the name of the name tag, she sighed. "So dumb..." She mumbled. Her soft fingers touching the name tag with the name 'Esia Maria Antonio' the name of her one and only friend.

She grabbed the handle of the lunch bag and went up the stairs.

As she saw the name of her friends classroom, she knocked. The door opened revealing a boy.

"Why hello, here to visit me?" He smirked. She cringed at the sight.

"No. Let me in, please." She simply said as she looked deep in the boys eyes.

Their shitty staring contest was taking too long. She gently pushed the boy away and went inside the classroom.

She found her friend who was panicking about her lunch bag.

She slammed it hard on the desk of her friends chair. The classroom was now quiet as all of their stares was planted on the girl.

"Xiella! You found it! Thank you so much you're the best!" Her friend thanked the girl.

"Stoo being so careless." She reminded her friend. "Jeez, I'm sorry. Hey, wanna eat together-" She cut off her friend as she left the classroom.

Her classroom was just across. As she was crossing the other side, she felt someone tug on her bag. She didn't need to ask as she heard the person speak.

"So, uh who are gorgeous? You seem to be well known. Aw come one don't ignore me." The boy said.

"Get away." She simply said. "But I want to know who you are. Please." The boy begged her.

"I'm the president of this school. Please, don't talk to me." She said as she harshly grabbed her bag off his shoulder and walked as fast as she could.

She entered her classroom and shut the door.

As the boy was about to go in. The teacher called him and told him to go back inside.

Before the boy could enter again in his classroom. He smiled. "Shit. I think I fell in love." His face showed a wide smile. A smile of a dork.

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