5 - Home Soon

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Chapter 5 - Home Soon

It was late now and everyone had gone home – MJ knew that they didn't want to, but she could get them all to do basically anything right now. She also had a feeling that they'd stayed in hospital last night while she was in surgery and post op. So, after dinner – some of the leftovers from their Christmas Dinner – they'd all gone home to sleep.

MJ was still struggling with the truth the realisation she had on Boxing Day afternoon – how drastically her life had changed in just a few days.

Who knew that little kid from Queens would turn out to be so much trouble?

You were the shadow to my light, Did you feel us? Another star, you fade away.

MJ smiled softly at the music playing quietly through the speaker system. Sometimes the hospitals played songs in an effort to calm patients down, and classic songs like Faded were played for the senior population who would have grown up listening to these. It was a nostalgic track for her – her and Peter had been eating to this song on their first and last date.

Where are you now Peter? Where are you now?

It was eating at her that Peter had just... left them. He came, got a cup of coffee and never saw came back. He didn't even get to tell her that he loved her – she didn't give him the chance.

She was so sure they'd get a future together... But here she was, in love with an amazing man who loved her back just as hard. She had kids with him. Henry Allen was something... so amazing. He was her amazing.

Suddenly... remembering Peter Parker seemed like such a different thing. Maybe it was better if she hadn't remembered him at all.


MJ hadn't been able to get much sleep last night – there were a whirlpool of memories and thoughts and the stormy waters didn't let her put her mind at rest easily. When they eventually calmed, it was 3am. She was running on five hours of sleep – probably not the best idea in this circumstance.

But what could she do? Dr Malik had come in checking some stats and the ECG, which is what woke her up.

"You'll be glad to know that everything looks great Michelle," Doctor Malik told her. "It doesn't look like there's been any significant injury as a result of the glass, and you look to be on the mend."

"Thank you Dr Malik." She muttered quietly – it was a large relief to her, but she was still a little groggy from only having woken up a few minutes ago.

"Just doing my job." She nodded. "You should be able to go home today or tomorrow."

"Wait, really?"

"Well, provided you stay on the track you're on right now, yes." Dr Malik answered as she took some notes.

"Well it's been a lovely stay here but I would like to get back to my own bed and cooking." MJ joked – but in all honesty, she couldn't wait to tell her family.

The doctor chuckled. "Fair enough." Doctor Malik moved to a seat beside MJ's bed and sat down. "But we do need to talk about your post hospital care."

"What do you mean?" MJ asked quizzically.

"You are aware of the fact your husband told us about the alleyway?" MJ nodded, tensing up slightly. "Well if you would like any sort of counselling or mental health support, then please do ask - this is something I'd rather you do actually."

MJ bit the inside her mouth. She would love to talk about it with someone – she needs to talk about it to someone, someone that would understand how she felt, someone that would know exactly what was going through her head. She needed to get an opinion on this and understand what happened - how could she? Peter Parker was just a random name to everyone she knew, including the doctor sitting opposite her right now.

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