6 - Homecoming

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Chapter 6 - Homecoming

Andrea had known Theo practically their entire lives. She knew when he was worried, curious or anxious and over the last few days, he seemed to be exhibiting all of these. She put it down to the situation with his mother, something she couldn't relate to. However, despite the news that she was due to be coming home, his behaviour still seemed to displaying these emotions.

Normally, when something was preying on either of their minds, the first thing they'd do was go to each other - but he hadn't done that. It was confusing her, and she was worried.

She was brought out of her thoughts with the sound of wailing through the baby monitor. Andrea stood up and left to go to the nursery, where her son Peter Mateo was crying.

"Hey baby," She cooed, muttering softly at her 9 month old. "What's wrong?" She lifted him up slightly to check his nappy - quickly confirming her thoughts. "Ew." She wrinkled her nose in disgust as she walked over to the nappy changing table. "Here we go." She took of his onesie and unstuck the nappy, seeing a large dump right in there. "You stinky thing." She half-laughed.

She took it out from underneath him, wrapping and disposing of it. Then she took to him with the wipes, when she felt hands on her shoulders.

"Hi honey," Theo muttered, knowing what had just happened.

"Hi," She responded, while cleaning up her son.

"Do you want me to take over?" He asked her, knowing that she was tired as well.

"No, I'm good." She muttered.

"C'mon, shoo." He muttered. "You've been doing it all yourself over the last few days, I'll help out."

"Next time babe." She responded, finishing up with the wipes. Theo handed her a clean nappy, so she could put it on him, but before she could put it back on, he sprayed them.

Andrea screamed and ran to the side of the room, while Theo took a few steps back - but neither of them could miss the sprinklers.

"That's disgusting." Theo muttered, before bursting into laughter and Andrea joined in.


Andrea had gone for a shower first, needing to get Peter's pee off of her. Theo remained out with his son, cleaning him up in the second bathroom in his mini-bath and wiping him down. Then they swapped, with Theo going in for a shower after Andrea had finished up.

For a little while, Andrea had sat with her son, playing with him and messing about with his toys - his favourite being an Iron Man action figure. They all knew stories of the "heroes of New York" and all they'd done for the country and it's people - it was crazy to think that all of those events had occurred within the last 50 to 60 years. That the legend that was Tony Stark had only been gone 40 years.

The superheroes in the world were ever so present, but she herself tried to remain as far away from that as possible. Every now and again, there was something - maybe it was aliens, or even people from Earth that were just twisted and there'd be chaos everywhere and damage and destruction untold, but there'd always be someone to save the day.

All the different heroes who made a difference to the world were somehow always there.


Peter was asleep again, and Andrea was in the kitchen. She was sitting down, deciding whether or not to approach Theo about her concerns - but she knew the answer. Yes. The answer was always yes.

"Hi beautiful," Theo called as he walked into the kitchen. He was drying his hair with the towel and had a pyjama shirt on.

She turned to see him and smiled weakly, obviously tired. She was nursing the mocha she had just made, obviously trying to end her day. "Hi T," She responded. He came and sat next to her, but not before kissing her forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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