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The carnivorous Mosasaurus is one of the largest marine reptiles in history, growing up to nearly 18m in length. Mosasaurus' rows of sharp teeth, powerful paddle-like limbs and excellent vision make it an efficient predator, feeding on fish, cephalopods and other marine reptiles. Its name translates to 'lizard of the Meuse River', in reference to the location of its discovery.


Mosasaurus was first discovered as far back as 1764, when skull fragments were excavated from Mount Saint Peter, near the Meuse River in the Netherlands. The findings were initially classified as a type of fish, while a second, similar skull unearthed in 1780 led experts to believe it was a crocodile. It wasn't until 1822 that it was officially classified as a new genus named Mosasaur by English paleontologist William Daniel Conybeare.


Although the first Mosasaurus remains were found in Europe, further fossils have been found across the world, from North America to parts of Africa and even Antarctica. As the apex predator of its habitat in the Late Cretaceous period (around 65-80m years ago), it would not have been attacked by other reptiles – however researchers believe that that it may have fought within its own genus.

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