shatper 3: info about me?? 👀

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June 1st, 2022
So in this shitty ass chapter, I'm going to tell you things about me, because who wouldn't want to get to know a stranger on the internet??

Name: Isabella but you can call me tonight 😏 ( if ur my friend & Reading this.. it's not for you so get tf out)
Age: hmm I think not
Gender:non-binary (I'm so qUiRkY 😜)
Sexuality: pansexual (girls are hotter)
Height: 5'5 :')
Likes: memes, art (all 7 forms), sleep, caffeine, nightime, the moon, late night drives.
Dislikes: life, people, social interaction.

Teehee that it for 2nite. Also it midnight rn and I can't fucking sleep. 😌✨

Also happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈

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