Chapter 1

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*The day before Tanjiro's visit to Rengoku's Father and Brother*

Tanjiro was refusing to leave my side for a few hours, even thought he still needed his rest. Nezuko was also needing her rest.

Walking through the halls, I was in search for Lady Shinobu, she had my Haori fixed, since it broke during the fight.

"Tanjiro!, you need to get back into bed!, you still need your rest!" Aoi yelled from the other side of the hall. Tanjiro jumped before standing Frozen. Aoi can be scary.

"Y/n,Lady Shinobu is waiting for you outside, for now, please get Tanjiro into bed?, he seems to follow you around all day" she walked off.

"Alright Tanjiro, you heard the girl, come" I grabbed his hand and started to walk to the room.

"Pleasee, can't I stay with you for a while longer?, I miss you" he pouted.

Turning around, I kissed him on the lips, our cheeks red. "Please?, get some rest?". He slowly nodded, I smiled before walking off to the room.

"INOSUKE, LEAVE ME ALONEEEEEEEEEE" we heard Zenitsu shout, Tanjiro sweatdropped and walked into the room.

Inosuke was running after Zenitsu with a pillow?... why...

"Good luck!" I softly pushed Tanjiro into the room before closing the door behind him. "Hehe, Now to find Lady Shinobu" I walked off.


"Y/n, over here" I saw Lady Shinobu standing under a tree, my Haori in her hands. I smiled and walked over to her.

"Here you go, I added something else to make it look better" she smiled and handed me the Haori. Looking at it, I saw a cute butterfly pin on it.

"Thank you so much!" I bowed. "Its no worries, oh and I have a small mission for you, it has nothing to do with Demons" she said.

Huh?... I stood back up straight, and she explained to me where I needed to go.


The place I needed to go to was a small village a few hours away from the Mansion, there was a special type of Fabric being sold there. She gave me the money to buy it. I would be leaving Early tomorrow morning, and I could get back just before Night time.

I would be leaving just before Dawn.

I still needed to be careful.

I got everything ready the night before. I went to go tell Tanjiro. Soon after, I see Tanjiro sitting outside, watching Zenitsu and Inosuke doing some training.

"Hey Tanj" I smiled and sat down next to him, he smiled back at me. He placed his arm around my shoulder.

"Oh and I have a mission tomorrow" I said. "Fighting Demons? but you're still not healthy enough" he said with a worried expression.

"No no, Lady Shinobu gave me a mission to get a type of Fabric from a town near by. It won't take long, and Please don't worry Tanjiro, I'll be ok" I ruffled the boys hair.

He still had a worried expression but nodded.


Morning came soon, I got dressed before walking through the halls, I could here Inosuke's snoring from here.


The sun was already rising, so I will be safe from the Demons. It will be about a.... 5 hour walk?...

The walk was calm and peaceful none the less.

The village came into my sight, it was small, yet looked lovely. I entered the village but a small time later,

Kids were running around, laughing and having fun. Adults where walking and talking.

Lady Shinobu said the shop would say "Exotic Fabric" as their name. Its strange but meh. I found the shop soon after, "hello Dear!, how can I help" a lady said.

"Hi!, I would like the buy the Silk Fabric please" I smiled at the lady. "Of Course dear!" she smiled before placing some of the Fabric in the bag. I payed her before bowing and leaving.

Soon after, I was stopped in my tracks by a familiar voice. "Dad...." I muttered. Scanning the place, I saw Mom, Dad and Haru walking. Seems like they didn't see me yet.

Before I could walk away, Haru ran up to me, Dad was looking as mad as always, Mom was holding him back.

"Hey Little Sis!" Haru stood in front of me. "Hey!" smiled at him.

"Whatca doing here?" He asked, looking at the bag. "Oh, its just something for a friend of mine" I replied.

We continued talking for a while, Until Dad screamed for Haru to come back. I waved to him before I left. It was about Midday. So I still had time to reach the Mansion before sunset.


Upon arriving back, I saw the sound Hashira Tengen, along with Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke. I handed the bag to Aoi before walking towards them.

"What's going on here?" I asked, looking confused.

"Y/n... um... we are going on a mission" Tanjiro explained. Mr Uzui looking at me "You will come along, you will fit in with your beauty".

Wait what- I stood there confused. I felt Tanjiro take my hand. I had no idea where we were going, but if its a mission, I say lets do it!.

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