Chapter 3

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Y/n's Pov

We finally found Tanjiro, after Mr Uzui just disappeared on us. Zenitsu was somehow sleeping... he always seems to somehow amaze me.

They were standing in front of the Demons, both seeming to be a uppermoon 6. "Tanjiro?!" I ran up to him, he looked to be in a bad shape. "Y/n!" he hugged me. "You're ok" Tanjiro said.

"Yeah... I should have known she was no good" we broke the hug.

"You damn!" Daki said, which we found out her name.

Tanjiro was still standing in front of Mr Uzui. Daki was blabbering on the ground, while the other one is still standing.

"DIE" Daki suddenly stood up, sending belts flying towards the 3 of us. In a instant, Zenitsu cut her belts. Before sending her flying through the roof, him going along with her. "ZENITSU" Tanjiro and I yelled at the same time.

"LEAVE ME WORM LADY TO US, YOU 3 GET THE OTHER- ONE" Inosuke yelled before running off.

"Should I go with them?" I asked, Mr Uzui nodded, these two are a lot stronger than me, I won't be able to do anything here. But Before I could run out, Mr Uzui suddenly blocked my path, "Hold on, Zenitsu and Inosuke should be able to handle themselves, we will need a extra hand with him".

I hesitated, but nodded soon after, an faced the demon. Soon after, he closed one of its eyes, and started talking. It sending literal chills down my spine.

Knowing that we are risking our lives for this, we needed to be ready, and do our best.

The Demon jumped out of no where, nearly piercing Tanjiro, for some reason, both of our bodies were frozen. Mr Uzui pushed me and Tanjiro out of the way, before the Demon started fighting. We wanted to help, but belts came from the ceiling, and a ton of them.

Both of us were shaken up, but I was a little more stronger at the moment, after all, what Tanjiro just went through.

I was able to deflect a few, but quickly got stopped, as more were coming.

We could hear the fighting above us. Mr Uzui was still fighting.

Tanjiro got free, and started running towards Mr Uzui and the demon. I was still trying to deflect the belts, dodging where I can. Soon enough, we were able to get outside.

My mission right now, was to keep the belts away from them, if they get near, it was not going to be easy. At this rate, neither of us is going to hold up much longer.

I felt myself getting slammed into a building by one of the belts. Damnit!, I was too focused on the belts in front, I did not even think about the ones from behind.

With the amount of adrenaline going through me, I don't even feel the pain, and to that, I didn't even see that I was sliced by one of the Demons weapons. Which means, Poison will be going through my blood.

My plan was working, keeping the belts away from them. I see the Demon going after one of Mr Uzui's wives. I see Tanjiro running towards them, thinking the coast was clear, I do the same, I don't want to be a burden here. I don't think they know i'm here.

The Demon was facing Tanjiro, so it was my chance to sneak from behind. Tanjiro noticed me, but didn't say anything.

Leaping onto the roof, I swung my sword as hard as I could, I was able to make a slice in his neck, but with his quick moves, I was thrown into the ground below. "I forgot you were also here, not hearing you run towards me, or even make the smallest sound" he looked down at me.

I was about to stand, when my body froze, my limbs were shaking. The poison is starting to take effect on my body. Mr Uzui and the demon were back to fighting, I managed to stand up again, this time, the demon did not forget about me.

He was sending his blood things towards me. I need to be more careful, getting hit again is going to be deadly. After blocked a few of them, I got in the roof with Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke. Our main focus was now the worm Demon.

We needed to slice this things head off, so that will be for Inosuke to do, the 3 of us needed to keep his save and clear his path.

I'm able to read these belts movements a little, so it was easier to keep them away from Inosuke.

I'm not going to give up!, not today!, not ever!. In a instant, I sliced multiple belts, Zenitsu and Tanjiro on the other side.

Inosuke got her head, and made a run for it.

"INOSUKE" I yelled, as the other demon pierced him. Wait... how.. MR UZUI.

Mr Uzui was laying on the floor, his hand sliced off.

"Y/N, TANJIRO, LOOK OUT" Zenitsu pushed both of us off the edge.

And soon, everything went black.

I am Here [TanjiroXReader] (Season 2!)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz