Chapter 6

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Y/n's Pov

A few weeks later, we were back in the mansion. We were a lot better, still in bandages, but that's fine. I shortly found out Haru has been sending me letters none stop, and since I could not reply back, It kept coming.

I got permission to go to the village, and Tanjiro tagged along, ever since the attack, once more, he refused to leave my side. My leg was still a little sore, but I can walk.

"I feel sorry for Haru he must be so worried.... and since he doenst know about our mission" I said, looking at the path ahead.

"I'm sure he will be happy when he sees you" Tanjiro smiled and took my hand into his. I nodded with a smile.

Along the way, Tanjiro found a flower and placed it in my hair. It was adorable.

The village still looks the same, it was actually good to be home after a while. I'm still thinking if I should tell what happened at the red light district to Haru.

We were walking near a part, when I heard Haru scream my name, causing me to jump. He ran towards me, before pulling me into a bear hug.

Again, a little too tight. "Haru-.... can- can't breath" I chocked out.

"Oh, sorry!, but I'm just glad you're ok" Haru let go off me.

"Where's mom and dad?" I looked around for them. "Oh, they went to the neighbors for a while, lets get the both of you inside" Haru said, leading us into the house.

"I'm going to make some tea, you can go into the living room is you like" Haru said before walking off.

With that, we walked into the living room before sitting down on 2 pillows. Soon after, Haru came back with 3 cups of tea.

"Thank you!" me and Tanjiro said at the same time. Haru smiled before sitting down.

"Y/n, why didn't you answer the messages I sent?, I was starting to get worried" Haru took a sip of his Tea. (British :D, ok I'll stop)

"Oh...heh.... Uh... this is going to be a hard one to explain" I sweatdropped.

"I can explain if you want" Tanjiro said smiling. I nodded.

"We went on a mission with Mr Uzui. Our Mission was to find a upper rank 6 Demon, and that was successful, but that soon went down hill. As the entire red light district is now.... gone. The Reason why Y/n couldn't reply, was because we were in the mission for a while" Tanjiro explained, leaving Haru pale.


"We know the dangers Haru, but its our job, even if we die, we lived to tell the tale" I drank the tea.

Haru looked like he wanted to say something back, but just nodded instead.

"Anywho!, for how long are the both of you staying?" Haru stood up, taking the empty cups.

"We arranged for a day or two!" I smiled, Haru's eyes sparkled as the smile on his face grew.

He was just happy in general.

"But is it a good idea with your outfits?.... wait!, there is a ceremony tonight!" Haru suddenly said.

"Heh?" I looked confused. "Oh, we got invited to a wedding, that is why they are at the neighbors!" Haru said.

I had a Kimono. Haru gave a old Kimono to Tanjiro, and will be wearing his Haori over it. (Keep in mind this is a scenario, and i'm not so good with these Japanese ceremonies, so my apologies)

Haru said he won't be coming along, since he wasn't feeling the best. Which also means he can take care of Nezuko.

I'm nervous about seeing my dad again, but hopefully he can be nicer.

"You almost ready?" Tanjiro said, standing outside my room. "Almost!" My hair was in a bun, I had a few clips so I decided to use them.

I left my room, seeing Tanjiro wait for me. His face turned red when he saw me. He quickly shook his head.

"Not looking bad yourself Tanjiro" I said, ruffling his hair a bit before waving goodbye to Haru.

The streets were light up with white lights, and flowers on the floor. "I have not seen this place like this in.... years".

Tanjiro chuckled and took my hand.

The wedding will be taking place in the park, we didn't really have a place for it, so they decided on the park. We arrived at the park, almost the whole town was here.

I saw my mom walking towards me, my dad behind her.

"Y/n!, Dear, you have no idea how worried I was when Haru said you didn't reply back!" she hugged me. I let go of Tanjiro's hand to hug her. I'm glad she made up with me.

"You didn't have to worry mom, I'm okay" I chuckled. She broke the hug "My.... you look beautiful".

I smiled at her compliment. "Oh, Hello Tanjiro" she said, looking at Tanjiro. "Hello Ms L/n" he bowed.

"Now, you're father and I need to help the wedding couple" she kissed the top of my head before walking off, dad just nodding at me before following.

Tanjiro took my hand once more, a little tighter. "I... Tanjiro?" I asked. Looking around, I see a few boys our age.

.. is he.... jealous?

The wedding started soon after, it was fun to be there. I'm glad I came.

After the wedding, people were just talking and having fun.

Tanjiro and I were standing underneath a Sakura tree. "Do you think Nezuko is ok?" Tanjiro asked.

"Tanjiro, don't worry, Haru is taking care of her, she's in good hands" I calmed the boy down. We decided to take a walk. "Tanjiro" I started, he looked at me. "When you took my hand before the wedding, you saw those boys.... were you perhaps... jealous?".

"W-what?.... NO!" his face turned red. "Are you sureee?, the look you are giving right now" I smirked. Causing his face to turn even more red.

"HA!, knew it!" I explained.

"Ok ok, I was" he admitted. "Ok but why?" I asked. "Just scared you are going to leave" he said. Why would he ever think that?....

"Tanj, look at me, why on earth would I ever leave?, there is no way i'm doing to leave you" I stopped walking, before wrapping my arms around him. He does the same. We stand there for a while, before he kisses me.

Luckily it was just us... otherwise.... awkward.

We break apart before I lay my head on his shoulder. "I love you, do you understand?". He nods.

I am Here [TanjiroXReader] (Season 2!)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon