Chapter 1: deep down!!

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One morning Jess and her brother James, dad they where all up after Jess had got dressed she went up to her dad and kissed him of the check and said " morning daddy I'm going out for a swim." and her dad said back to play be careful." and then she walked out of the door and walked over to the river and went down the planck when Jess go to the end of it she stopped for about 10 seconds and then she jumped in the river.

She was under water for about 3 seconds then she came up to breath and then she started to look around the river but then Jess felt something touch her foot and then she feet it again then she got scared and started to swim back to the Planck but then the thing that touch her foot puled her under the water and then got free and when she got the the serfs she Shouted " JAMES DAD HELP ME PLZ." then. She got stage back under against drug the thing that was pulling her under came right up to her face and the snapped her neck the she floated back up to the serfs.

Then James her brother saw her just floating and her said " DAD QUICK SOMETHING HAPPENED TO JESS." then jes and his dad run out of the house and seeped toward Jess when they got their James pulled Jess for the water and put her on the Planck and the her dad stated CPR on heir and he was saying " wake up plz wake up." the she did not then James said " dad look at heir neck it broken." then their dad called the police.

After about 1 hour the police arrived at their house and they run down to where James and his dad was and then the police man said " what happened." and then James said " we found her just floating of the water and we Reyes CPR but then we saw that her neck was broken." then the police man said to his dad " you the one hoe tyres CPR." but he did not say anything back after 20 minutes and A and E arrived and toke the bobby away and then the police then left and so did A and E then James said " Come on let's go in side." then they booth walk in side booth crying.

Supernatural series 1 episode 3: dead in the waterWhere stories live. Discover now