Chapter 2: the second messige

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After Sam and dean had left the motel that they were staying at they were driving down the rode listing to ACDC back in black and dean was singing it and while he was singing Sam said " all right there dean." and dean said back " yes I am Sam." and then dean cep on singing until dean phone buzzed then he said " Sam my phone just buzzed." the dean pulled over the impala.

After he had stooped him and Sam got out of the car and dean then got his phone out off his pocket and then looked at the message then Sam said " is it a nutter message from dad dean." and dean said back " I think so." then Sam said " what douse it say then." after that Sean said " it does not say anything it's cordons 23-67." then Sam opened the car and got out the map and look for the cordons that their dad gave them and then Sam said " dean I found where the cordons are." then dean said " where then Sam." sam said back " a place called willow crack." then dean said " I know that place." then he got out their dad book and flick grow the pages and then found willow check in there and then said " Sam look." the Sam run round the car to dean and look at their dad book then Sam said " it said that over the past 10 their have been lots of death there by people necks being broken." then dean said " come Sam get in the car we need to go to willow creck." and the Sam and dean got back into the car and started to drive off.

The Sam said " we need to find a motel to saying in." they where drive for miles until they found willow creck and they drove into there and they parked in the police station and they when in there when they got in there dean said " do you know where the motel is plz." And the police man said back " yeah it's two blocks down." then dean said " thanks." and then they left the polo station and got back in the impala and drove of to find the motel.

When had found the motel they booked a room for a month and then they drove to there room when they got there Sam when to open the door and dean said " look Sam a newspaper stand I'll go and get one." so then dean when to go and get a newspaper while dean getting a newspaper Sam was putting the bags in the room when dean got back to the room he when In the door and said " Sam come and look at this." then Sam when over to to dean and then dean said " look their been a death be someone neck being broke." then Sam said " so dad was right their sometimes her killing people then dean said " we will have to find out what it is and kill the evil son of a bich."

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