Chapter 5 (Noah's POV)

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When Noah heard a knock on his front door around midnight, a lot of possible scenarios crossed his mind. As he was walking downstairs in his sleep attire, he went through all of them in his head. But as he opened the door, he found himself facing someone he never imagined would ever be at his door.


He looks down at Skye in a sleepy shock, unable to believe that she was actually here. "Is this a dream?" He thinks.

She gives him a small smile that stirs up all the little butterflies in his stomach and says "Hi". His first instinct is to ask her why she was at his house in the middle of the night. So he does.

Her response is rushed and she's asking Noah if she can... spend the night? He wanted to ask her why she wanted to spend the night, but instinct told him that she didn't want to talk about it to him and that she just needed someone to hold her; besides, he promised himself that he would do everything he could do to help her- and he wasn't about to break that promise. Much to both of their surprises, instead of questing her, Noah just let her in.

The smile on her face was so grateful, Noah thought it made everything worth it. "How is it possible for one tiny smile to make me feel like the luckiest man on earth for being on the receiving line of it?" He thought as she walked through the doorway. He lead her into the kitchen and knew exactly what she needed: Ben&Jerry's. He grabbed it out of the freezer and walked over to her.

After about an hour or so they got to talking on the couch. Noah could tell that Skye wasn't in the mood to talk so instead he talked.... and talked and talked. But she didn't seem to mind. In fact she listened quite intently as Noah talked about his family and his aspirations. It felt magical the way Skye's eyes lit up when he mentioned that he liked music and next thing Noah knew, she was talking about her own interest in music and art. She played the cello? "Dang that's impressive," thought Noah, but he just let her talk.

Eventually she fell asleep on the couch next to him. He never wanted anything more than to wrap his arms around her, but he restrained himself. That would just make things weird and he just needed to be a friend to her. Right?

He thought all of this as he stared at Skye's sleeping figure. A piece of her hair fell onto her face and Noah reached out to brush it back behind her ear, his fingertips lingering on her cheek. This time he couldn't resist the urge and, oh so carefully, he brought her body into his arms. She stirred a little but still remained motionless against Noah's chest. "She looks like an angel," thought Noah as he looked down at her. "Whoa, whoa, whoa," he thought shaking his head. "Whoa. I sound like a freaking stalker! Am I taking advantage of her?" His body went rigid but he just shrugged it off and told himself to go to sleep.

And he did. With Skye in his arms, he had the best sleep ever since the accident. Would Skye do for Noah what Noah was trying to do for Skye?


HEY GUYS!!! Sorry to make you wait so long for that tiny chapter but yeah that's what Noah was thinking when Skye came for their little "sleepover" ;);) Thank you soooo much to torithefriendlyghost for making my new cover I LOVE IT!!! Isn't it amazing? I think it is! And don't worry about their date.... it's coming. And what "accident" is Noah talking about??? MUAAHAHAHAAHAAAA!!! All will be revealed, just stay tuned ;p Shout out to my homies y'all know who you are :D Anyway, have a wonderful day my beauties!!! Read, comment, and vote! <3

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