"i'm not"

64 0 0

He was right there.

Right there in front of her.


So close.

Close enough to...touch.

She stuck out her hand, just a little bit.

He lifted his hands and took off one glove.

Was he thinking the same thing?

His hand crept closer.

At the last second she made a decision.

Her hand drifted up.

His hand stopped in the space between them.

A centimeter away, her hand nearly brushed his cheek.

One last urge of confidence ran through her, almost as if it had been sent by Ben himself.

She closed the gap and gently touched the scar on his face with her fingertips.

He gasped. The look on his face said it all.

She gently traced the scar down his face.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

He held her gaze and gently turned his head just enough to press his lips to the inside of her palm.

"I'm not," he answered lowly.

Suddenly the fire wasn't the only thing making her hot.

The feeling of his lips on her skin, as if he was actually in that hut with her, it was breathtaking.

And it was achingly pleasurable.

His eyes still held hers, so intense, so open.

The feeling was overwhelming her entire body and she wasn't sure what to do.

Finally his hand that hung between them moved again.

He reached up and grabbed her hand placing it firmly against his cheek, holding it there.

The feeling and emotion became so strong it drew tears from her eyes.

"Rey," he started.

Then he was gone.

The hut ripped apart and the rain instantly snuffed out the flames and soaked through her clothes.

But she couldn't forget the way her body reacted to his touch, his lips, his gaze.

A sob was wrenched out of her before she realized what happened.

Across the galaxy, he sat on his bed.

He was trembling and angry.

Finally, close enough to touch and then she was gone.

Just like hers, his body was on fire and he wouldn't forget the way she reacted to his touch, his lips, his gaze.

It was intoxicating.



He couldn't wait to see her again.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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