Who Are You?

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Mary and Bobby were driving again. The small bug was chugging along towards Bobby's hometown. They knew it would take a few days to get there and that they would have to stop at a hotel in another town. Situated almost exactly in between Mary and Bobby's hometowns was a small town with a name that Mary and Bobby both vaguely remembered.
Mary had Odette in her lap as they drove towards the small town. They were very close, but Mary still couldn't remember where she had heard the name of the town. As they entered the small town Mary recognized small things about the town.
Then the car passed the cemetery.
Mary's eyes widened. She knew why she remembered the town's name. It was where John had been buried. Bobby never looked at the cemetery. His eyes seemed to avoid it at all costs. He drove straight to the hotel. Bobby parked the bug, and he and Mary walked into the hotel.
Mary held Odette in her arms. She couldn't help, but stare at her husband. He looked very disoriented and very tired. He payed for their room.
Once Bobby and Mary reached their room, Bobby immediately laid down on the bed and fell asleep. Mary stared at him. Odette began to cry, and Mary went to change her diaper. After that was over, she washed herself up and Odette up. She left Odette in the room in her basket, and then walked out of the hotel room. She needed to go to the cemetery. She needed to see John's grave for some strange reason.
Mary walked into the cemetery and slowly walked through reading each headstone to find John's. She noticed a very tall, young man standing in front of a grave. Mary tried to avoid him, but as she passed she read the name on the stone. It was Johnny's grave.
Mary stopped by it. The young man, who was in his mid-teens, turned towards her. Mary didn't have any flowers. She didn't have anything, only a very pretty rock in her pocket that she had picked up because of the coloring. Mary took it out of her pocket and set it down on the grave before slowly turning away from the grave and starting out of the cemetery.
"Who are you?" The young man shouted after her when she was halfway to the gates.
Mary turned back towards him. "I'm no one really. I only knew him for a month or two," She called back to him.
"What's your name?" The young man asked.
"Mary," She replied walking back towards the young man. "You're his son, aren't you?"
The young man looked at his feet. "Yeah, my name's John," He said.
Mary looked at his blonde hair and blue eyes. Besides the eyes, he looked exactly like his father.
"How's your mother?" Mary asked.
"She died a few years ago," John said quietly.
Mary was silent for a little while. She looked at him quietly. She began to notice the differences between him and his father. His nose was a slightly different shape and so were his eyes. He also dressed very different. He had on heavily weathered jeans, a loose, solid green colored turtleneck, a black, unbuttoned vest, and a few beaded necklaces. Mary tried to remember what his father had worn other than a suit, but she couldn't remember.
"Do you live around here?" Mary asked.
John shook his head. "I only came for a visit," He said. "Why are you here?"
"Me and Bobby are visiting his parents and we just happened to stop in this town on the way there," Mary said.
"Bobby," John said surprised. "My mother used to talk about him, is it the same guy?"
"Yeah, I married him," Mary said shrugging.
"Mom said you were going steady with Jeff," John said.
"That ended a long time ago," Mary said shaking her head.
"I've only met one of my father's old friends. I'd like to meet Bobby, if that's possible," He said.
Mary thought for a minute. How would Bobby feel meeting John's son? John looked a lot like his father. It could be a little confusing for Bobby, but Bobby was pretty smart. It probably wouldn't confuse him too much. It might be good for Bobby.
"Maybe tomorrow, he was sleeping the last time I saw him," Mary said.
John nodded. "I'll still be here," He said.
Mary smiled at John. "I probably should be going," She said pointing towards the exit of the cemetery.
John nodded, and Mary walked out of the cemetery. John looked down at his father's grave. He shook his head slowly as he walked away from the grave and the cemetery. He walked down the streets aimlessly. He had no place to stay in this town. He had no where to stay anywhere.
John stopped at a church. The doors were open. He walked inside. The church was empty. He sat down on one on the pews. It was starting to get late. He looked up at a clock on the wall.
It was eight sixteen.

It's Got a Beat, Mr. JonesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora