So Listen Very Carefully...

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Eddie and Bobby, John, and Mary walked away from the restaurant. Eddie was ahead of the rest of them. He was walking faster and looked extremely angry.
Bobby stared at Eddie. "I think me and Mary are going to get going," Bobby said slowly. "We have a long way to go to get to my home and we only paid for one night in the hotel."
Eddie turned back towards them. He looked slightly sad. "Oh... I was hoping to have lunch with you guys, but I guess if you can't..." He said slowly.
Bobby felt bad, but he had a long drive ahead and he couldn't waste anymore time here. His parents were expecting him and Mary today.
Odette began to cry. Eddie smiled at her. It was a sad smile. Eddie pulled out a pen and a piece of paper and wrote on it. He handed it to Bobby.
"My number's on there and my address. Call before you visit because I never know when I'm home," Eddie said.
Mary smiled at Eddie. "We'll visit as soon as we can," She said.
Eddie walked closer to her and hugged her. Mary was surprised by this, but she accepted it. She rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him. She didn't realize how much she missed him. He smelled nice, like oranges. She didn't want to leave him yet, but she knew she had to.
"I'm gonna miss you," Mary whispered very quietly.
Eddie smiled and kissed Mary on the cheek. Eddie broke away from her. She smiled at him. Eddie turned towards Bobby. Eddie smiled at him too.
Bobby looked down at his shoes. "I guess this is bye..." Bobby said.
Eddie nodded slowly. Bobby turned towards John. He ruffled his hair. "Don't know when I'll see you again, kid, but you're alright," Bobby said.
John mumbled something. Bobby smiled. Mary hugged John. John looked surprised by this. She looked at Eddie.
"Can I borrow that pen and paper?" She asked.
Eddie nodded and handed her the pen and a piece of paper. She wrote on the paper her and Bobby's phone number.
"Call me whenever you want," Mary said. "I didn't get to know your father, but I'm not gonna make that same mistake with you."
John smiled and hugged her back. Mary kissed him on the forehead. Bobby handed Mary Odette and walked towards where he had parked the car. Mary waved at John and Eddie.
Bobby drove the car to the hotel, and he and Mary went inside to get their things from their room. They took their things to their car.
Bobby started the car and they drove off. They passed a small record store. Mary stared at the signs on the window. They told of inexpensive records and the most popular.
"Can we stop a moment?" Mary asked. "I want to get your sister a present."
"Which one?" Bobby asked.
"Both of them," Mary said.
Bobby shrugged and stopped the car outside the record store. Mary handed him Odette and got out of the car and walked into the store. She tried to remember which of Bobby's sisters liked which musicians. Mary remembered that one sister, Mona maybe, liked Gene Vincent a lot and the other liked the Everly Brothers, Rosetta if Mona liked Gene Vincent.
Mary couldn't remember which one liked which so she looked around the store quietly at all the records. She stopped near stand of older records that were being resold. Mary's hand brushed over one of Jeff's old records. She picked it up. It had a picture of Jeff smiling up at whoever was taking the picture. He looked extremely happy in a stripped collar shirt. Mary flipped over the record and looked at the back. It had a picture of Jeff's band on a large couch with a piano to the right of it. They all looked so young. Bobby was smiling shyly, Eddie had his arm over Bobby's shoulder, John wasn't looking at the camera, a black haired boy was behind a piano, and Jeff was sitting on the top of the piano, once again smiling at the camera.
Mary tucked the record under her arm and went on to look at more records. Mary found an Everly Brother record entitled Two Yanks in England and in the used records A Gene Vincent Record Date. Mary walked to the counter and placed the three records on the counter.
"That will be seven dollars and twenty three cents," The man behind the counter said.
Mary reached into her pocket and pulled out a five dollar bill, two one dollar bills, and a quarter. The man gave her two cents as change and Mary walked out of the store with the three records. She walked towards her car. Bobby was nodding his head to a song that was playing on the radio.
Mary opened the car door and stepped in. Bobby looked over at her and smiled.
"So listen very carefully... Closer now and you will see what I mean... It isn't a dream..." Bobby sang to Mary.
Mary laughed. The car drove forward and they headed off to Bobby's home town. Mary checked her watch.
It was three thirty.
(Really quick edited in author's note... The song that Bobby sings to Mary a few lines before this is There's a Kind of a Hush, because of the location and time it would Herman's Hermit's version, and being me I highly recommend givin' it a listen. Herman's Hermits are fun.)

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