Chapter 12ii: Recovery

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Travis walked forward to approach the hotel. He made it past the fountain and up the stairs. A doorman in a blue uniform composed of a long sleeved polo, a cap, and slacks, opened the door. As the group of friends entered, the door man yelled towards the receptionist, "The special guests are here!"

One of the receptionists in the check-out counter began making a phone call, while another receptionist approached them.

She said, "The manager has heard about the tragic news, we're offering you all a stay."

Travis rubbed his elbow and said, "Thanks, that's kind of you."

"Is there anything you need?" She asked.

Bart said in a soft voice, "Just... food and a break, that's all."

The receptionist pointed to the end of the lobby and said with a wide smile, "We're serving a buffet."

"That's good." Travis murmured.

The feeling of celebratory relief left him. The feeling was replaced by grief and exhaustion. Sure he was glad most of them got out, but he still kept thinking about Daniel and Tyrone. Two close friends of his, lost forever so quickly and unexpectedly, all on a day meant for happy bonding. This was supposed to be a joyous day with them, not a tragic one nor a terrifying one. Travis used to wait excitedly for this day, thinking that spending more time with them would give him more peace, but today instead was met with a dark turn of events, bringing him further grief.

Travis looked at the food presented for the buffet. It was a delicious display, it made his gut rumble the longer he looked at it. He took a slice of steak, two pieces of bread, some butter, and four Hungarian sausage pieces. He took his seat then stared out the window to reflect on his many thoughts.

Franbo asked, "You alright? You aren't eating." She noticed how gloomy he looked.

Travis frowned and said, "Even with all my efforts, I couldn't save them."

"Tyrone and Daniel?" Franbo asked.

"Yeah, I miss them... They were so fun..." Travis took a sip of water then said, "Remember the old days, when Tyrone would start a snowball fight on campus grounds every year, then more and more people would join. Starting from a small group to just about everyone."

"Yeah." Bart said, who just arrived at the table together with Elizabeth, "It got so big that they decided to ban snowball fighting in seventh grade."

"Haha yeah, all his fault man." Travis said, "Now that I think about it, Tyrone got into trouble doing the dumbest dares more often than the rest of us... well... that was until I joined the 'cool' kids. I began doing the dumb things."

Bart chuckled and said, "Remember when Tyson asked him to do a cool basketball trick, then Tyrone decided to climb all the way up to the basketball ring. Tyson was so worried, I've never seen his face so red."

Elizabeth held her laugh while adding, "-But what's dumber is that Daniel decided to start climbing as well!"

Bart and Travis laughed out loud. Travis laughed so hard, that his chest began to hurt. Moments passed, and the laughter died out. All four of them at the table went silent. Travis began to shed tears.

Travis softly said, "Have I... done enough this time?"

Elizabeth placed her hand on his shoulder and said, "You've done more than enough. You're the reason why we made it out of there. Without your active help and guidance, we'd all die."

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