Chapter 29: Seulgi

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The annoying buzz from my alarm woke me up the next day. I groaned and grabbed the damn thing, flinging it at my beanbag in the corner of the room.

I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the
mirror. Now, I'm not kidding. I legit looked like I had a fucking vacation in Satan's ass. My hair was all tangled my makeup from yesterday was smeared everywhere. Especially my mascara which had run down my face because l'd cried myself to sleep. I looked like roadkill.

But, today was a new day. I'm just going to do the same
strategy again. Smile like yesterday never happened. I grinned like a bandit at my reflection and immediately cringed at the sight. I need mental help.

I hastily had a shower and dressed up for the day. I pulled on a pair of tight white jeans that fit my ass perfectly along with a tight, black, sleeveless crop top.

Just then, Jisoo knocked on my door. Immediately excitement bubbled in me. I wanted Jisoo to fuck the shit out of me today. Any how. I opened the door and smirked at him. He was wearing a pair of black khakis and a loose tank. Daaaaammmnnnn. Can I ride him now? Please?

His gorgeous eyes trailed down the length of my body and he blushed. Maybe memories from his birthday night filled his mind. I was going to refresh those memories today.

I gave him a quick kiss and went back in my room, pulling out my bag and a pair of black wedges. We didn't have uni today. They'd announced a holiday because of some construction going on on the campus. Now, we'd all planned to spend the day together.

Just as Jisoo and I reached the lobby, his phone rang. He
frowned at the id but picked up the call.

"Hello." I thought of teasing him a little to get him riled up. I looked around and didn't see many people in the well furnished lobby. I pulled down the front part of my crop top slowly to expose the tops of my tits.

Jisoo's eyes zeroed in on that and he flushed a little.

".nwo not. now I'm leaving" I grinned at him and walked closer to his still form. Deja vu hit me like a ton of bricks. His breathing for heavier as I grew closer and his mouth dropped open. I trailed my lips across his structured jawline.

"Uhh." He trailed off as I pushed myself on him. His phone slipped from his hand but I caught it for him, placing it back in his ear. I pecked his lips slightly and placed my hand on his chest, over is heart. It was racing.

"Good. Come to Chaeyoung's house." He hung up after that and gave me a cross look to which l just shrugged with a grin.

"Don't do that when I'm on the phone, sweetheart." I blushed at the endearment and we continued making our way to the parking lot.

In another 15 minutes, we were at Chae's apartment. It was a small modern looking place which overlooked the city.

I sighed dropping onto her couch.

"Seulgi is coming for a few minutes. He was in town and wanted to meet me but we'd already left the apartment by then.

"Oooooo Seul is here? " I smiled, amused at Chaeyoung who jumped a little, clapping her hands.

"Sounds like someone important." I commented with a laugh.

Jisoo settled next to me and threw a hand around my

"He's my friend. He lives in Korea. Is here to visit someone apparently. " Jisoo informs me.

Chae cooed suddenly and I looked at her, puzzeled. "Y'all so cute!"

Jisoo and I both laughed awkwardly at her words. I'm sure we were both blushing red right now. Just then, there was someone at the door. Lisa, Taehyung and Hanbin walked in leisurely.

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