Flashes (or, Coma's) - 3

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POV- The Raveness (not the shifter)

When you feel its hopeless

When you think you lost


I will take your hand and we'll rise up from the


I am in a cold room. I see only faint glimmers of light like when your eyes are closed for too long. Are they closed? Why am I here? I was just... I was.. I was talking about my discovery. To somebody. A scientist. Artemis Fowl. But-

But he

He turned to dust and dissolved into a wretched beast. It whispered terrible whispers. It told me to look into its eyes. I could not resist, I had to. My mind was being squeezed like a sponge, compelled. 


and ashes.

He became a beast a monster. It was covered in scales like...

like the underground species I found. One of them.

Are my eyes closed? Why can't I see? Why am I here in this room?

My mind is being squeezed. I cannot, will not open my eyes. 

So they are closed.

I am trapped in sleep.

I cannot, could not, wake up. Why not?
My mind is at war. 


He became a beast and whispered horrid whispers. Its eyes were constantly shifting from one color to another. They flashed red and gold and whispered, sleep. It made me sleep.

My mind was compelled to agree.



I am close to the sun. Close to the sun. (Vera get the reference? Anyone get it?)

Falling now.


Why am I sleeping? I should be awake. 

No. No. sleep. you must sleep. Stay in your coma.

I am in a coma then.

My mind is at war.

When will it be over?

I see flashes of light.

A person- no not a person-

a faerie.

An...an elf!

It comes toward me. I would run but I cannot. My mind is at war raging at war firing missiles.

Will I still be here when its over? I am running out of oxygen. I am running out of air to breathe.

I see a hand.
I hear a voice. My Mind is compelled to listen to the voice like with the terrifying monster. Ha! I am ...

I do not know how old I am. 

I didn't believe in monsters until now. 

The voice is like crystal chimes. They tell me to relax. I don't want to relax but I find out I do- I do want to relax. So badly. The voice told me to. I should please it. Make the voice happy. 
The voice tells me to wake up. I cry out in pain


all i know is pain now

The war intensifies. The horrible voice told me not to wake up no matter what. But I want to. The voice wants me too. A new voice arrives. The voice of the monster before it was a monster. It tells me to wake up. It is an irish accent. It is firm but warm. 


Warfare. In my head.

Stop! I want to yell. Make it stop!

I manage to crack open an eye. I see the elf. A captain. The world flashes and for a glimpse I see the same elf. But older. A commodore. I see the boy. Old and In a new place. On mars. Wiser. Kinder. Smarter. Still Insufferable. Still? How would I know that?

Flashes again.

I see them normally.

Artemis and an Elf.

Why are they here?

Why am I here?

What is even happening?

What is going on?

I Cry out in pain again. Flashes. Rapid flashes. I see the world young and green. I see it dust and ash. I see life. I see death. 

Make it stop!


"STOP!" I  yell. The flashes stop. I am back. 

They look at me, surprised. "Who are you?" Asks the elf.

who am I?

Why am I here?

What am I?

A single memory sparks in me for a moment. 

"I am...I think I am..Y/N L/N..."


Maybe I am Y/N L/N

Yes! Yes! I am Y/N!!

A flame.

A spark of defiance.

A flash of brilliance. 

An inferno of wit and sarcasm.

I am.

I am living.

I am.


They do not hurt this time.

They are burning but all I feel is warmth. 

I am pulled down.

Down by the whispers of the beast

It told me to forget.

I kick it in the face.

I swim in the fire. I escape. 
The flame welcomes me back.

My eyes were gray when It mesmerized me.


Now they shift.

Like the creatures.

Expect the creatures were monotone only black and shades of gray and more black. 

Mine are every color. The deepest blue of midnight to the whitest shining star. 

I am Y/N Purity L/N

A spark.

A flash.

An Inferno. 

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