Beginning - 4

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Holly takes me into Haven. She is going to show me one of the victims of a Shifter. Its a Human, like I. I walk into its containment facility. It seems to be at war with itself. Holly looked up at me. "We aren't sure what to make of it. I've tried the mesmer but she just violently spasmed and whimpered. No other effect." 

I looked at the person trapped in sleep, wondering if the monster got its hands on me, would that be what I would become? Holly sits next to it. "Wake up." She says, her voice resonating with the mesmer. She just whimpered and began spasming violently. "Wake up," I say, trying to help. The spasms slow. "You are relaxed." Holly intones. "Very relaxed. You will wake up now." The girl opens an eye. "Who are you?" She croaks. Then, her gray eyes flash and she is spasming again, less violently this time, though. She opens her eyes again. This time they slowly change color. From the greens of everglade to silverine diamonds.

I ask her her name. Her eyes flash a brilliant white of crisply fallen snow. She looks transformed, proud confident and like she might just climb mount everest on a whim, simply because its there. 

"My name is Y/N Purity L/N, and you are Artemis Fowl. I would now like to know where the hell I am, and why I am here, as well as telling me why I am here."

"She has spunk," Said Holly.

"Of course." She said. I watched as the two began to talk. I didn't say anything.

After all, my role as the main procrastinator was over.

This was a new story.

A new beginning.

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