Dahlia wants Hills near a Sea

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Hello! My dear friends and their friends too. Today's guest on our talk show is none other than the ever gorgeous and cutest 1319nimika. I really loved reading her answers. Hope you love it too. Here we go....

Q1 Introduce yourself in a poetic manner

1. Well.... I could have, had I been a poet.... but....I am not.... so let me just say, I am someone, who can bore you to death, but also amuse you to the moon and back....

This is what I think..... rest.... ab Bhagat hi jaane...Mai kya hun....🤭🤭🤭🤭

Q2 What do you consider your personality type to be?









Less words more thoughts

2. Hmmm.... (deep in thoughts) Ambivert for sure...., a bit reserved too.... But being a chatterbox is my birthright..... Even though I realize it, but I can't help it. Let .I tell you a secret,.... it helps me to keep gossipmongers away from me, as I can manage to bore them with my insane lecture about philosophy of life... (Shh..... don't tell anybody)


Q3 If you have to compare yourself with a fictional character, who would that be?

3. Okay.... so.... I would say, this, not only as a edkv fan, but also in general, I have found myself much closer to Suman Tiwari in general. Her thoughts and nature are similar to mine in some ways. And I think, that's what I actually had kept hooked to the character till today, and maybe in the future.

Q4 If you get a chance to relocate, where would you want to settle?

4. Hmmm.... so this is just my thought as I haven't ever visited this place. But I had read this book on wattpad, which was based in Cape Town, South Africa. 

And to be honest, I actually found the descriptions, so very beautiful, that I would want to settle there. Though the pictures were an additional cause, as to why I fell in love with that place.

Q5 What if a linguistic disaster happens on earth and all languages suddenly vanish but you get a chance to preserve 5 words, what would they be?

5.Hmmm.... well I must say, this is quiet an interesting question, I have come across. So let me think... hmmm... Family.... then may be...Umm...Love....Books (Due to my love for stories) Language and... Trust. 

I think these words sum me up too. So that why I selected these. And note it. Love jn my dictionary has been platonic till date.... so romantic ka chance sirf wattpad par....😂

A different answer. And mine concept of love is utopian too. 😂😂
Q6 All your clothes are going for laundry and you only get to keep one set for yourself. Which one that would be? 

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