I'm not giving up my suite

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In a fancy cruise a young women with red hair and a beautiful dark green dress, was pulling her luggage into her suite, the door had the tag named "Rose Kristen".

In another suite there were three sisters two of them had black hair and the tallest one had blonde hair. A worker was helping them move their luggage's into the room, once the work finished she asked

"Is everything to your liking, madams?"

"No, this suite is too small" the blonde one said in a bold voice.

"Yea, if this boat is soo big then why aren't the suite's," One of the sisters with black hair and a nasally voice said.

"Kim this is a cruise." The other sister with black hair and a low voice said.

"Like the meal" The blonde one said.

"That's cuisine Khole," The sister responded with her low voice. "I'm surrounded by idiots," She told herself.

"Well if you don't need me I'll be on my way out," the worker said.

"NO!" Kimberly(Kim) and Khole Jane yelled.

"Find us a bigger suite," Kimberly told the worker.

"but this is the biggest suite on the--"

"Then tell the people next door to give up their suite." Kimberly said

"But--" The worker stammered.

"GO!" both Kim and Khole ordered. The worker left the suite and the three continued to gossip

"This is such shitting service are we going to be living under these conditions the whole trip." Khole commented

"No one told us we'd be on the Olympic, I'd thought we'd be on the Titan." Kim said. They continued to chat when they heard someone knocking on the door.

"Open," Kourtney said. Rose Kristen opened the door.

"Excuse me, I'm Rose, You must be the Kard's. I'm your neighbor." Rose said in a British accent.

"Not for long," Khole said.

"Why must that be?" Rose asked

"We're taking over your suite," Khole said.

"What's wrong with this suite?"

"It's not big enough, we need more space," Kim said.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not giving up my room. Ask someone else,"

"Do you know who we are?" Kim said

"We're like, super rich." Khole said.

"So am I." Rose said

"Listen, Nipple wort --" Khole was cut off

"Rose" Rose said.

"Don't get on our bad side, so be a good girl and give up your suite."


"You're gonna regret that,"

"I doubt it. Enjoy your trip," Rose started to head out, and slammed the door.

"FUCK YOU." Khole said. Both Kim and Kourtney looked at Khole.


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