Part 1

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Alright. Today is my last day before I move to Boston tomorrow . I am so excited but yet nervous at the same time. My whole family is very sad that I'll be leaving however they support me through everything. Since it is my last day, I've decided that we should all have a nice and relaxing dinner at my parents house.

Mom: I can't believe you are leaving tomorrow.
Dad: Yes, my little girl is not a little girl anymore.
I looked at both of my parents and see their faces all sad. I smiled up at them and said "it's gonna be okay, I'll come back and visit you guys."
#1b/n: She'll be fine mom and dad.
#2b/n: Yeah, don't worry about it.
I looked over at my two brothers and mouthed 'thank you'.

After dinner was over and we all just talked, telling funny stories about me, it was time for me go and get some sleep since my flight is early in the morning. I said goodbye to my parents and brothers and heading back to what will be my old house now. Driving back to my house, I take a look around and just bask in that I'll no longer be living here. As I was looking around, I stopped to think. 'Wow. I'm really gonna do this, moving across the country. I hope that things turn alright for me....hoping God has a plan for me.'

A Change of Scenery (Chris Evans x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now