Part 3

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It's been three weeks since y/n last seen Chris. Shes' been keeping herself busy by cleaning the house, or she was filling the house with essentials that was needed. Almost everyday she sees Chris leaves in a black car, y/n thinks about what he does for a living. Hoping he isn't in some type of mafia thing, but she brushes off and thinks nothing of it.


It was about 7 in the morning, and I decided to go for a run. I have to clear my mind, finding a job has been difficult for me. As I head out of my house, I see Chris with Dodger. It seems he's gonna take him for a walk. I stopped and walked across the street to say 'hello' to Chris.

Normal POV

Y/n: Morning Chris.
Chris: Morning, what are you doing up this early.
Y/n: Oh, I've decided to go for run. Clear my mind a bit.
Chris: I see. If you don't mind, would like to come with me to the park and walk with Dodger.
Y/n: Sure, why not.

Both of them starts to walk towards the park.

Chris: So. How you've been lately? How's Boston been treating you?
Y/n: Boston is treating me very well. Everyone here is so nice and friendly.
Chris: That's Boston for ya.

Y/n smiles at Chris. They finally reached the park and Chris let's Dodger run and play around. They find a bench they can sit on and continue talking.

Y/n: When did you get Dodger?

Chris thought that here is where she'll recognize him, that he's a famous actor and that she wants to be him because of his looks and the amount of money he makes. Just like every woman he comes across with.

Chris: Oh uh, I got him when I was filming for a movie. I was on break and it just happens that there was a dog shelter near by and I went to go check it out. I did just that and I saw him and I knew that he was the one.
Y/n: That's sweet. Wait, umm you said you were filming?
Chris: Yes, I did. You see, I'm an actor.
Y/n: That makes total sense. The past three weeks I've been seeing a black car coming to pick you up. For minute there I thought you were like in some Mafia type of thing.

Chris places his hand across his chest and laughs.

Chris: You thought I was in a gang.
Y/n: Yeah I did, and don't laugh at me. You giggled.
Chris: Yeah, no. I'm an actor.
Y/n: An actor. That must be amazing. It's strange though.
Chris: What's strange?
Y/n: I've never heard or seen you in a movie before.
Chris: You really don't know me huh.
Y/n: Nope, I guess not.
Chris: We'll it looks like I need to educate ya hmm.
Y/n: It seems like it. You smiled.
Chris: Until then, let's talk about you. Enough about me for now. You've only been living in Boston for three weeks, you find everything ok?
Y/n: It's great, it's just that I've been having a hard time finding a job.

Chris nods his head at your statement and decided he would help out.

Chris: I got a position for you that could help. Since I'm an actor and majority of the time I'll be traveling to film some movies, I could use someone to dog sit Dodger. Would like to dog sit him while I'm away and I'll pay you, how's hundred dollars a day sound.

Y/n looks at him with a shocked expression.

Y/n: I would love to do it but a hundred a day is too much, I can't take that.
Chris: Yes you can. I'm willing to pay $100 per day.
Y/n: Are you sure?
Chris: Positive.
Y/n: Okay, I guess I'll do it.
Chris: Great. Dodger, come on it's time to go.

Dodger jogs up to you and Chris. He goes straight to you. You bend down to pet him and he jumps on you and starts licking your face. Y/n starts to giggling at how Dodger acts where you're around. Chris smiles and puts the leash back on him. You guys walked back home and it's already 11, almost noon.

Y/n: Didn't realize the time went by so fast.
Chris: Me either, it seems that goes by pretty fast when you're having a great time with someone.

You blushed at what Chris said.

Chris: I was thinking that maybe you can stop by later like around four so we could go over what you have to do with Dodger when I'm away.
Y/n: Sounds good, gives me enough time to relax, shower and change.
Chris: Perfect, see you then.
Y/n: See you. Bye Chris, bye Dodger.

Chris watches y/n leaves, as she's leaving Chris couldn't help himself again and stares at y/n's ass. He thought 'damn, those leggings really fits her ass perfectly not to mention how it shows her curves'.

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