꒱.✧ 花 ;; a call out to fate

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❝ 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗺𝗲𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲

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❝ 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗺𝗲𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲. ❞


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It was morning. The calendar sitting on your wall showcases how many days are left before you and your mother will attend a wealthy party hosted by someone whom your family considers a friend. Father was nowhere to be found. As usual, you had expected him to be out. The house would only have you and your mother for the whole day. It was silent compared to most households, yet it was peaceful. To you, this was better.

Your hands opened your door closet, eyes were down, looking for shoe boxes. You were looking for a specific color that would suit the dress you bought from the store yesterday. Eventually, your hands get a hold of a color you favor the most. You closed your closet and then went over to sit on your bed, opening the box only to see the heel broken. You felt a surge of disappointment. This was the only decent footwear you have in your choices. Most of them were already past your sizes. Maybe you should have checked them beforehand so you would have told your mother about it earlier and bought a new one along with the dress.

You lie on your back, staring at the ceiling as you felt like it was a waste of time. Then your mind wanders to the doctor you had your eyes on yesterday. Your chest throbs a different beat, making you sit up so suddenly, feeling the heat on your face. You started imagining; what if you were brave enough to get her number and invited her to go with you shopping for various fashion styles. The scene in your mind was too much. You started rolling over on your bed, hands were covering your blushing face. You never felt anything like this before. When you were younger, people often tried to pursue their love for you, yet no person would be enough to make an impact and leave an impression.

"Mother, I will be leaving!" You had now obtained the motivation to go out. You told your mother about the heels but never mentioned what happened yesterday while you were shopping. It was a secret that you had decided to keep to yourself which made your mother's eye on you, raising their suspicion that you only find it cute thus, laughing at her before you had left.

You started taking a stroll in the shopping districts. You are trying your luck here first as you had a feeling that this was the doctor's favorite place. Oh, you had to pick new heels too. It would be embarrassing to say that you only got yourself out of the house to seek your prince charming. You never knew what kind of occupation she has but you figured it certainly had a high salary. The brand you both eyeing was no laughing matter. You finally bought a pair of heels for your dress. A few accessories were bought too as you felt like they would suit your outfit better.

Your eyes shot up to the skies and then to your phone to inform yourself about the time. It was two in the afternoon. What time did you encounter the doctor? You had no idea. The thought only fueled your heart in dismay. There is no way she would appear today.

Before your feet take you home, your eyes spotted an old woman, heaving their chest in such an abnormal manner. You quickly ran over to her, setting your items aside as you asked about the old lady's health. You called out for help as you dialed the emergency number on your phone. A crowd was forming around you yet none of them actively panicking as you do. How uncaring. Your mind cannot be restrained, running with this kind of thought. Your face formed into a visible disdain, nearly clicking your tongue as you felt anxious and panic dwelling in your chest. This won't do, you thought, forcing yourself to be patient until your left ear heard a voice to answer your call.

You had told them about the current situation. You breathe in between your sentences, nearly stuttering even, yet you managed to get a hold of it, and they tell you to wait for an ambulance. You end the call, finally breathing out the air that somehow suffocates you in anxiety.

"Help is on our way now, Ma'am. Please maintain on sitting upright and stay with me for a little longer." You had your voice gentle it down for the stranger.

"Everyone, step aside! Scatter out! What do you think you are doing?" Anger popped out from the crowd, signaling the people to walk out back to their business. You turn your head up, eyes widened to see the same beautiful woman you saw yesterday hurriedly knelt to your level. Your eyes met her purple hues, leaving you out of breath.

"Have you called for help?" Yosano's voice had snapped you out. You quickly nodded your head, confirming her question. She praised you for how quick you are to move. Not everyone got the heart and mind to work at the same time. Now, you felt at ease. You watched her methods to temporarily aid the old lady's health. You were finally struck by the fact that she was a doctor.

Soon, the ambulance arrived in a matter of minutes. Professionals handle the case with such swift and ease. You received their verbal gratitude, thanking you for calling for help. You told them it was not a big deal and that you were only trying to help as you watch them leave the area. You can finally go home. You turned around to look for your shopping bags only to be greeted by Yosano, who held them in her hand, handing them over to you. You felt like you want to explode.

"Thank you so much." You hurriedly give her your gratitude, panicking as your mind runs on multiple imaginations on what to say next. Yosano simply adores your reactions. She tells you how she did not expect to see you again.

You stifled a laugh, unable to confront her properly. You certainly cannot tell her that you were hoping to see her around intentionally. You told her that today was merely a coincidence and accidentally ran into her. It is not like you were expecting her to show up. In fact, you were ready to go home. You denied it in your mind.

Yosano's lips curved further, expressing her delight. Her eyes have a glint that you recognize had the same features as your mother's whenever she takes her eyes on you. You feel your heart dancing, running faster than you had this morning.

"I disagree," You heard the doctor, her eyes were completely set on you which only made you flustered under her gaze. It was as if she wants you to burn. In a positive notion of course. "This was meant to be."

You felt your breath hitched. You gathered all your courage to strike back her punch line. It took you seconds, you hoped it would leave a great impression on her, you had asked her name which you both exchanged. Upon learning it, you had a big grin on your face.

"Yosano-san, huh," You muttered her name under your breath, "Sound like the name that I would choose beside my name."

The woman who stood in front of you was awestruck. She never thought you would backfire like this. She loves it. Yosano smiles at you, playing along to the game you both had created.

"Is that so?" You fell deeper than what you had expected upon hearing the last words she spoke to you.

"I could make it come true if that's what you desire."


𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐋𝐘 𝐄𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓、𝗒𝗈𝗌𝖺𝗇𝗈 𝖺𝗄𝗂𝗄𝗈Where stories live. Discover now