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After stealing the eggs and a child from the Scavengers, the Talons of peace could finally grow them up to be war enders.

Webs had to teach the dragonets and the child about social studies, how to fly, and other things that went along with the dragonets while it was harder to teach a child.

No one ever expected a human girl to be in a prophecy especially in the dragonet prophecy but there was. "Tamia please pay attention" Webs asked politely but Tamia was too busy looking at the dragonet scroll.

"Ahhhh!" A SeaWing bellowed out as she took the scroll away from the child "Webs keep Tamia away from the scrolls!" The SeaWing shouted "y-yes Nautilus" Webs stuttered as he picked up Tamia.

Webs brought the others over to the teaching area of the cave and began to teach them while Tamia was off looking for another scroll to look at but nothing interested her. "Tamia get over here please" Webs called out to Tamia but Tamia got her hands on a blank scroll, a bottle of ink, and a pen.

"Tamia, no!" Webs yelled as he took the stuff away from her "these are for dragons like me! One's who write prophecies and stories not a human child!" Webs got a little mad with Tamia but Tamia didn't seem to care.

While Webs was teaching the other dragonets, Tamia had finally gotten her hands back on the blank scroll, ink, and pen and she began to write as much as she could.

She was very intelligent for a baby and she loved to write. Her writing was something that she had seen before which was another scroll. "Tamia! Tamia!" Webs called out then he saw Tamia writing on that blank scroll "Tamia! No!" Webs yelled but Tamia bit his talon when he tried to take away the scroll.

Webs jumped back in pain as he checked his bleeding talon then looked over Tamia's shoulder to see her writing. The title was "the twisted animus" and it was about a dragonet who was a RainWing and a SeaWing and she got abandoned by both the SeaWings and RainWings but then she found other twisted dragons and they became a group and made a scroll so all twisted dragons were aloud.

Webs was impressed and decided to leave the scrolls up to Tamia for her to write on. Webs had found something to teach Tamia other than to walk, talk, or eat.

Years past and Tamia was finally getting noticed by the other dragonets. "Hey come join us!" A MudWing called out to Tamia. Tamia took her scrolls and sat down next to the MudWing who wrapped his wing around her.

"Hi I'm Clay!" The MudWing smiled "I'm Tsunami" a SeaWing snorted "I'm Glory" the RainWing on her left said as she put her talon on Tamia's shoulder "I'm Starflight" a small NightWing yawned as it got up "and I'm Sunny!" A SandWing said with excitement. All the dragonets stared at Tamia as she put away her scrolls in her backpack then turned to face them. "I-..." Tamia was afraid to speak "what's your name?" Clay asked "I'm Tamia..." Tamia finally spoke up.

Glory nudged Tamia's side with her snout "hey it's okay we're not gonna hurt you" Glory said to make Tamia feel a bit better. Tamia nodded slightly and looked at Tsunami who eyed her weirdly. The Talons of peace dragons said that the dragonets weren't supposed to be with Tamia the human so they separated them but Tamia found her way inside the dragonet part of the cave.

"Where's your tail?" Tsunami asked "and where are your wings?" Sunny asked "do you have any horns?" Starflight asked as he looked up and down to scan Tamia slightly. "I- I'm human" Tamia stuttered "woah your kinda weird..." Tsunami said. Tamia got up and out of Clay's wing grip and walked away with her scrolls. "Tamia wait!" Sunny called out but Tamia disappeared.

Moments later, Sunny had found Tamia. Sunny had a sand colored body with a yellow sail on her head to the end of her tail. Sunny licked the side of Tamia's face to show that she cared about her and Tamia looked at her. Sunny had weird colored eyes but that didn't matter.

Wings Of Fire: If the scrolls called for a human childWhere stories live. Discover now