chapter one

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^^ topher's lock screen

'pretty brown eyes and a mind full of thoughts.'

"So, what do you say?" I asked the boy in front of me.

He looked up from his sketchbook, slightly covering his drawing and glanced around as if to make sure I was talking to him. The school had long since been emptied of other people so it pretty obvious. It was just us outside.

"You were talking to me?" He questioned like I hadn't just been going on about my amazing plan for the past five minutes.

"No, Christopher, I was talking to myself whilst coincidently standing in front of you. Yes, you goose, I was talking to you," I sighed exasperatedly, smiling after to assure him I was joking. I expected a timid response, a slight lift of the lip maybe or even nothing at all. After all, his reserved nature and constant frown set on his lips made the whole school think he was some sort of shy loner, an outcast. What I got in reply was anything but.

He grinned slightly and raised an eyebrow, "Goose?"

Did he just smile at me? I looked at him in astonishment. I think this was the first he had something other than a bored look on his face. Quickly recovering I repied, "Yes goose, would you rather me call you an idiot. Or maybe dumbass is more your thing."

He let out a chuckle as he stood up, "I mean, my name is just fine, but whatever you want, I guess."

"Okay then, Topher. What would-"

"Topher? I've never heard that one before."

"Would you please be quiet. I have to explain everything again since your stupid ass wasn't listening the first time," I was taking a risk, talking to him like that, but I couldn't help it. He made me feel comfortable, as if we've known each other for ages, even though this was our first proper conversation. I was scared that I would put him off which would suck since he was a key part in my plan. So far, he didn't seem like the quiet introverted guy everyone made him out to be.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry Aliyah. What was it you were going on about?"

I took a breath. I had already run it through my head multiple times so I should be fine. But why was I so nervous? This wasn't like me at all.

"I'm going to have to give you the shortened version, since your dumb ass wasn't paying attention the first time and I cant be asked to explain everything all over again. So, I think you're really cool and I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out some time. I don't believe actually believe all those rumours about you."

Topher looked taken aback by my question. "Hold up. you want to hang out with me?" His eyes widened dramatically and he pointed towards himself. I let out a little giggle at his facial expressions.

"Yes, you. Who else would I be talking to?"

The tips of Topher's ears redden slightly. It was honestly quite endearing.

"I don't know I just," He took a deep breath, as if to calm his nerves, "Hold on. what rumours?"

I looked at him in disbelief, "You mean to tell me that you've never heard anyone talking about you."

"Uh, no?"

"So you haven't heard the whole school basically calling you a machine?"

Topher had a blank look on his face.

"A moody dickhead?"

"Uh, nope."

"Okay what about a nerd who eats maths papers for breakfast?"

"What the actual fuck nuggets are you going on about?"

I sighed, "You know what, it doesn't matter. All you need to know is that everyone in school thinks you're a miserable prick but I don't believe them. I mean, come on. You have a cat. What sort of miserable prick has a cat."

He laughed, "That isn't necessarily always true. What if I was a miserable cat man instead of a prick?"

"Don't tell me you have an inhumane amount of cats that all have a name that has the same vibe as Gerald."

"Gerald? Absolutely not. his name's Mittens."

"Shut the fuck up. I need to see him. Like right now."

He took his phone out of his pocket and showed me his lock screen which was a picture of the sweetest little grey kitten I had ever seen.

"Don't be surprised if you come home tomorrow and find him gone. I will know nothing about what happened. It wasn't me."

He laughed at that. "You're funny, you know. I like you. Everyone else in this school sucks"

I tried not to blush at it comment. The offhandish way he said it made me think that it didn't mean much but there was still hope.

"I am aware. It's one of my better qualities. Now, back to your cat."

He laughed again, the sound alone making me smile. This is probably the longest conversation he's ever had a with someone and I was happy that it was with me.

"He's a british shorthair and I only got him a few months ago so he's still a little baby. You can come see him, if you're free."

Taken aback, I only stare in response. 

He took it as a bad sign and stammered in response.

"Only if you want to. of course. Like you don't have to. I just thought it would be nice and-"

I stop him mid sentence with a laugh, "No need to be so nervous. I would love to."

Topher smiled in response and I swear I could die right there. 


He has dimples.

The only problem now was to convince my parents to let me go to a guys house alone. Great.


hope you enjoyed the first chapter!! let's just ignore the fact i've been gone for like six months and move on lol

anyways, i think li and topher's first interaction was quite sweet. what do you think? and yes i do realise that it's very unrealistic but idc it's cute :)

also the cat is adorable oh my i need one rn

have a nice dayy

edit: i'm so bad with tenses so pls bare with me. i tried to fix the ones in this chapter but if it happens again just ignore it thanks xx

- sam

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