chapter two

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'i am a thinker, not a talker'

christopher's pov

"Don't be so nervous," she laughed. "I would love too."

I kept replaying those words inside my head as I lay on my bed, Mittens curled in a ball next to me.

The angelic sound of her laugh kept playing over and over and I was willing to make a fool out of myself just to hear it once more. I could get drunk off of the sweet sound of her voice and the way her lips quirked up into that seemingly innocent smile which held mischief underneath. The way her deep brown eyes twinkled with the promise of an adventure added to her charming allure.

She was mesmerizing. and not just her physical appearance, but her personality too. 

She was like a beam of light illuminating the dark corner I had holed myself up in. somehow, withing minutes of talking to her, she had broken down my defences that I had meticulously created in order to protect my self.

I had always had an interest in her, admiring from afar, but I never would dream that I would get the chance to talk to her. Little 2nd grade me would be so proud.

"Topher!" My mother shouted from downstairs, dragging me out of my thoughts, "What are you doing? Are you revising like I told you to?"

At the sound of my mother coming up the stairs, I jumped out of bed, scaring Mittens in the process.

"Sorry, buddy." I said as I sat at my desk and put on my headphones, my work already laid out in front of me from the hours of work I had been doing half an hour before.

My mother entered my room without knocking, as always, and gave me a disapproving glare. "What have I said about having that cat around whilst your studying? Its a distraction to you when you're working."

"Mum, its okay. I'm concentrating just fine. And he's called Mittens not 'it'"

"Right, of course. I'll let you get back to your studying. Don't want your grades dropping." She said, already leaving the room. She then added as an afterthought, "Oh and dinners in the fridge. Heat it up whenever you're hungry."

I stared at the papers in front of me, trying not to get upset by my mothers words. It seemed like the only thing I was good for was my grades. Ever since my brother chose sports over school and managed to bag a football scholarship, my parents academic hopes were left to me and my sister but I'd be damned if I let my parents treat my sister the way they did me. I would rather die.

My seven year old sister was the light of my monotonous life. Unlike my brother, who was a pretentious pain in the ass, Hannah was the polar opposite, filled with smiles and laughter. Even just the thought of some of the stupid things she's done made me chuckle.

No matter how much my parents, especially my mother, drained me, Hannah would always bring me back to life.

I cradled mittens in my arms and made my way to her room. I needed a break.

"Chrissy!" She exclaimed when I entered her room. "Mitty!" She followed straight after when she saw the kitten in my arms.

"Barbie movie marathon?" I asked, immediately. Barbie marathons were our thing. Don't judge me. It's a guilty pleasure.

"Only if we start with Princess Charm School." she replied, choosing the one i knew she would want to start with.

"Well, duh."



i probably won't do a lot of chapters in his pov but i just felt like doing one rn. they'll most likely be a lot shorter bc i'm literally just waffling tbh

icl i wasn't planning on topher having siblings but somehow they crept in. oh well. at least we'll get to see him and his little sis interact. hopefully anyway. i haven't really planned this story out properly and i'm just going with the flow lol

anyways barbie princess charm school supremacy. its the best barbie movie and you can't tell me otherwise

also love mitty from chase atlantic. he's my bae. well they all are

- sam

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