chapter three

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'when did a dragon ever die from the poison of a snake?'

"I did it."

Kass looked at me in confusion. "Am I supposed to know what that means? Actually, do I even wanna know?"

I sat down in our usual practice room. The bell had yet to ring but we had music first lesson on Wednesdays anyway so we normally just settled in here and got a head start on our work.

 "Do I wanna know," I sang.

"If this feeling flows both ways," She sang and smiled in response.

I laughed, "That's my girl"

That was one of my favourite quirks in our friendship: associating words with lyrics. We had always been obsessed with music when we were younger and was just something we carried into our teen years.

"Anyways, Li. What did you do this time?"

I smiled at the memory of out brief interaction the day before, the way he smiled making me flush. I could feel my cheeks heating up but not enough to colour my cheeks. One of the many perks of being brown.

I had already explained the details of my plan to Kass beforehand. many times actually. I wouldn't be surprised if she could recite it by heart.

"I asked him. And he's not like everyone says he is."

Kass looked at me in shock.

"What?" I questioned, "You really didn't think he was a twat right?"

"I'm actually more surprised that you went through with it," she said and I shoved her.

Honestly, I don't know why I'm still friends with her. She's so so horrible to me.

Rambling on about our whole conversation, Kass listened attentively and responded at the  right time with enthusiasm. This was why we were soulmates. Moments like these would be ones I'd miss the most, just the two of us in our own little world.


"I cant believe she did that!" Kass exclaimed, "First, cheating on her boyfriend. That is just so icky in itself but with his sister? That is... I can't even describe it."

"Absolutely horrendous," I finished off for her.

"Yes, absolutely horrendous."

We were just walking out of our math class, discussing the new gossip that had started circling around school earlier today. Now, I'd like to think I'm a good person, but sometimes a good gossip sesh is what you need to cure any disease. Okay, maybe not literally, but you get what I mean. sue me for being a teenage girl.

Me and Kass made our way outside, it being pretty nice and sunny for a day in mid January, and went to our bench. Yes it was our bench. Had been since we started here. It even had our names on it. Another reason added to the long list of why teachers didn't like us. They're just so over dramatic. I mean, to be fair, we did start a whole war with another friendship group for it but that's a long story. And it was all their fault, I promise.

I loved talking to Kass. Even just being in her presence made me happy. Everything felt so effortless with her. We were having another one of our interesting conversations about conspiracy theories when we were interrupted by the grating voice of none other than the queen bitch herself. God, it gave me the biggest headache known to man.

"Ugh, and he didn't buy that bracelet I wanted." she complained, probably to her boyfriends and her little minions, "I'm literally gunna die without it. He's so annoying."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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