Chapter 3

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Namjoon's alarm blared,echoing throughout his room. Pushing the covers off of himself,namjoon didn't hesitate in silencing the alarm hopping out of bed and into the bathroom connected to his bedroom.

He swiftly showered,brushed his teeth, and got dressed wasting no time. Today marked the first day of their thanksgiving break, sure it was only a week but namjoon appreciated any and every break he was given.Not to mention this time around he had more time to actually do things he wanted, most of the time during these breaks he would go to work with his father or do some extra credit homework for a grade boost—as if he needed it— but Mr.Kim was away on business and namjoon had already done ever available extra credit assignment.

So on his week off Namjoon decided that he would spend the first day with his friends and girlfriend. They weren't gonna do anything super extravagant nothing more than walking around the mall but to namjoon that was more than exciting.

He heard the familiar honk of haemin's car, grabbing his bag shoving his phone, wallet and keys into it before exiting his room. Waving his mom a quick goodbye he walked out closing the door behind him jogging over to the passenger side of the car.

Hoseok and taehyung would be meeting the couple at said mall, haemin refused to pick up the two but namjoon for once didn't mind considering haemin never really hangs out with namjoon let alone his friends. He knew some compromises had to be made for things to go smoothly.

The car ride was only a mere 15 minute drive, it didn't take long to find the duo once parked as hoseok was frantically waving and calling the couple, haemin sighed rolling her eyes locking the car before taking namjoon's hand.

"Ah so the princess does leave her castle who would have thought" hoseok joked no one laughed taehyung elbowed the male in the side ," what!" He whispered yelled tae only giving him a look.

"How about we go inside, you haven't been stand here long have you?" Namjoon asked awkwardly trying to play of the joke as they walked through the entrance greeted by the many stores and cafes. It was full of people either getting Christmas shopping done early or spending time with friends and family. Namjoon smiled at the scenery it wasn't everyday he got to let loose and enjoy himself.

"So where do you wanna go first joon?" Taehyung questioned turning to look at all the stores on the first level, namjoon shook his head he had no idea there were so many places to choose from he didn't know which one he was more excited to go into.

"How about the book store?" Haemin suggested looking towards the barns and nobles, when met with silence she looked to the boys," what? Do you think I don't know my own boyfriend?" She scoffed arms crossed, hoseok giggled

"No not at all of course the princess knows everything about her prince" he wiggled his eyebrows contorting his face to make weird expressions

"Hoseok stop that, I think going to the book store first is a great idea" namjoon hissed before turning to smile slightly at his girlfriend, upon seeing his smile haemin sighed uncrossing her arms. Namjoon grabbed her hand leading them to the book store.

"Books are boringgggg" taehyung groaned as he was dragged along he resisted against hoseoks grip but pulled along nonetheless

"Uh- books are NOT boring how dare you disgrace one of the best forms of art ever to be created" namjoon exclaimed pointing at a book no one even realized he'd picked up,Taehyung tsked

"I-" taehyung began before being hushed by the book nerd,his fingers pursing his lips shut

"No I refuse to hear your peasant opinion on something you can barely comprehend I assume your reading level is at 6th grade at the highest" he finished huffing as he walking away. Stunned taehyung stood in place soon becoming annoyed of hoseoks loud laughter.

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