Chapter 4

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"Yoongi what did I say about smoking in the house, it's already bad enough you do it the least you can do is smoke outside" yoonji fumed throwing her arms in the air yoongi,not bothered,puts out the cigarette getting up slowly from his chair," where are you going?" She asked sitting at the foot of the table with her cup of coffee

"Work" yoongi said simply going quickly into his room to grab a jacket

"What do you mean work you just went on break?" She questioned angrily ," Are they making you work!?" Yoonji sat up stiffly as she watched yoongi lazily put on his jacket slipping his keys into his pocket.

"No I just feel like working" he replied nonchalantly ignoring the clear anger in his sister's tone. She sighed shaking her head as she sipped her coffee.

"Would it hurt to show some or maybe any emotion every once in awhile your starting to worry me" once again ignoring his sister, yoongi begins to leave, but being stopped by a firm hold on his wrist. Looking to find his sisters concerned gaze,"I'm serious yoongi are you okay? Is there something going on at work? Are there people at school bullying you? Do I-"

Yoongi looked blankly back at his sister," you worry too much I'm fine nothing is happening nothing for you to worry about now let go of me" he yanked his hand away just for yoonji to grab it again, she gave him a pleading look," yoonji Im fine" he said firmly smiling ever so slightly, letting go of his wrist yoonji embraced the male. Yoongi pat his sisters back before pulling away from the hug. Finally being allowed to leave yoongi began to work.

Truth is yoongi had nothing to do over the break, it was either stay home cooped up in his room or work clearly choosing the latter. He didn't really have friends I mean there's jungkook but he hangs out with his friends quite frequently and anyways friends are high maintenance.well to yoongi at least.

One thing to note about yoongi is he doesn't like a lot of high maintenance things in his life it stresses him out hence why the only "high maintenance thing" he has to deals with is Pluto his cat.

Deciding to walk to work yoongi pulls out his headphones plugging them into his phone, tapping he's favorite playlist then shoving his phone back in his pocket.


The walk to the seven eleven was about 40 minutes but yoongi didn't mind or more accurately he hadn't realized as he was in his own world when he listened to music.

He paused said music as he walks into the store pulling his headphones down to sit around his neck. Jungkook from the counter waves greeting the older, yoongi nodded walking to the back putting his backpack down in his locker. He clocked in and put on his uniform.

He got straight to work unlocking the cash register counting all the bills and cents, taking out a roll of coins when he notices a slot was missing some currency. He breaks the paper wrapper pouring the coins into the empty slot in the register. Still in his own world as he worked before a voice spoke.

"So how come your at work yoongi-hyung?" The young coworker beside him questioned as he too set up his register ,yoongi shrugged his shoulders," didn't you make plans with your friends?" He continued looking towards the male trying to read his expression but it was blank and solemn as always. Even so he waited for some kind of answer.

"I don't have friends jungkook" he answered simply closing the register, then walking to grab a clipboard walking around the store. Jungkook stood dumbfounded surely he had to be joking there's no way yoongi didn't have at least one friend. I mean sure he was quiet and kinda looked scary from afar but jungkook didn't think that would stop him from gaining at least a few friends.

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