Chapter 5: Confrontation

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Welcome back! I know it's been a hot minute since I've posted, I'm so sorry 😭 I actually forgot to post this chapter lmfao. But anyways, enjoy!!

Cw: misgendering, snakes

Several days passed. Russia had come to the smoothie shop here and there. Germany noticed they always ordered the same drink and sat in the same place. Russia never said much to Germany - likely to avoid holding up any sort of line -, but they did always greet them and say goodbye to them. Though Russia's visits did not increase, Germany's intrigue about them did. This curiosity was especially strong one morning, where the sun was already high in the sky and the day had already started.

    Germany was not one to go out of their way to speak with people. He had always been quite timid when it came to socializing. He was rather awkward when he spoke to people. Even before they moved, they rarely went to parties or large gatherings of people. However, his curiosity urged them to gather information on Russia. He could never talk to Russia himself, but maybe someone else knew a little bit about them?

Britain and France.

Germany saw them quite often. He knew them well enough to know they were good people. They seemed to know the apartment complex rather well; maybe they knew the residents as well? Germany decided it was worth a shot. Mustering up all of his courage, he gently rapped their apartment door. Muffled voices could be heard followed by shuffling and the click of a lock being undone. Britain's stout figure greeted Germany at the doorway.

" 'Ello, chap!" Britained chimed, smiling warmly at Germany. "Do come in!"

In the moments that Britain used to move aside to let Germany in, a white, paper ball hit Britain in the back of the head. It had been cleverly planned and skillfully aimed by none other than France. Britain turned around indignitally while France snickered. Grumbling under his breath, the brit made his way to a cushioned armchair and sat down, keeping a monocled eye on France in case they had any more tricks up their sleeve. 

" Good morning!" France said. "Feel free to sit anywhere you'd like. You can even tell Britain to get out of his chair."

" France, you know my chair is off limits."

France rolled their eyes playfully. Germany smiled and took a seat on a couch next to France. They offered him a cookie, which he took respectfully and devoured. Their eyes wandered around the apartment, admiring the well thought-out composition of the room he sat in. It was clear that a lot of time and precision was placed into its design, and Germany had a hunch that France was probably the one who designed it. As he scanned the room, he caught sight of an animal enclosure. He could vaguely see a small, writhing mass in the center. France must have followed their gaze, for they spoke with a smile.

"I see you've spotted the tank, yes?"

"Ja. If you don't mind my asking, what is in there?"

    France chuckled. They stood up and walked towards the enclosure. Sliding off a holed lid, they reached inside. Their hands emerged from the tank with a long, slender creature, which Germany quickly identified as a snake. It was rather small compared to other snakes he had seen in the past, for it seemed to fit almost perfectly into France's hands. They brought the snake to Germany and allowed them to examine it. Its mostly white scales were patterned with brown spots surrounded by black rings. A dark pink tongue flicked in and out.

"This is Eclair," France introduced the ball python. "She's our child."

"Though I wish she wasn't sometimes," Britain remarked, shuddering. France shot him a a look before putting Eclair back inside her container.

" So, what brings you to our home, lad?" Britain inquired. He picked up a cup of freshly brewed tea and sipped it quietly. The smell of the herbs and spices filled the room with a calming aroma.

" I..I was curious about something. I figured you two, having lived here for quite some time, might know?"

" Well don't be shy, lad, do tell us!"

"I was wondering if you..knew anything about Russia?"

    Britain did not reply at first. He set his cup of tea at his side and thought for a moment. France gazed at him for a moment, then chose to speak while he mustered up a reply.

"I know that they work with animals. Birds, I believe. Sometimes, before leaving for work, I hear Russia talk to someone about them. Russia also draws; I see them carrying a sketchbook with them often. As for their personality, I don't interact with them enough to know a lot."

"I do," Britain finally chimed in. "I've spoken with her several times in the past. She's a very confident person. Though she is rather kept-to-self, she is also quite outgoing as well. The only person I have ever seen her shy away from is her sister, Belarus."

Germany took in all of this information. He wanted to ask more questions, but just as they motioned to speak, their phone buzzed. They had to get to work soon.

"I have to go to work," Germany informed the couple, thanking them for the hospitality and apologizing for the sudden departure.

"That's quite alright! Off you pop, then! Feel free to take a biscuit or two with you!"

Germany gladly followed Britain's suggestion and snagged a cookie on his way out the door.

     "Glad you're here, Ger," Ukraine said when Germany had arrived at work. "I think your apartment friend is here."

      Sure enough, Germany watched as Russia entered the smoothie store. They smiled and waved at Germany, who slowly waved back. The usual procedure - the one that had been re-enacted many times over the past few weeks - ensued, and Russia settled into their usual place with a peach mango smoothie in hand. Germany watched them for a moment, then busied himself with cleaning.

     Once their work area was clean enough, Germany curiously looked at Russia, who was surprisingly staring right back at him. They seemed to be scanning him, studying him. Germany noticed Russia had a small, brown book in their hands. The paper was being sketched on by a thin pencil. The hand moved skillfully across the page despite the owner of it not watching. Germany's observing session was halted abruptly by Ukraine.

"You're staring again, Ger."

"I'm not trying to! They're just so..interesting. I asked my neighbors about them earlier today."

"Well if they're so interesting to you, why don't you go say hello?"

"I could never! Besides, I have to work."

Ukraine grinned wickedly. Before Germany knew it, he had been shoved out from behind the register counter through the small swinging door. They stood there awkwardly for a moment, then turned and huffed angrily at Ukraine. In response, Ukraine shooed them in Russia's direction.

Germany grumbled in embarrassment. With a nervous sigh, he slowly, slowly approached Russia.

Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter! Hopefully I will get back to writing pretty soon. I'm finally off of school so I'll try to update some more!!

From German:

Ja- Yes

Word count: 1,153 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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