An Hour to Midnight

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There was a powerful and uneasy quiet that followed the sudden darkness that swept the police station. Rodrigo sat in his holding cell and watched for any signs of life. There was only darkness. Like a firework, the lights sparked on with a flash and a bang. A few cops stood by their desks. They were bracing themselves for something but Rodrigo could not see what it was.

He looked for Jay but only saw an empty cell. Rodrigo banged on the doors but something rattled the frames harder. Screams broke through the thick glass and the gunshots began to pop. It was a melody of terror and confusion. There was a spray of blood that streaked across the cell. A torso soared through the air and hit an officer as they tried to dodge it. The entrails scattered about the desks like candy from a piñata.

Rodrigo screamed and backed away from the door but he saw him. The man from the lake. He swung an axe in one hand and a road sign with the other. Bullets did nothing but make tiny spots of green ooze appear. Officer Brady begged for mercy but the masked man stuck the end of the road sign through her throat. It pierced the officer to the tile flooring. The moss covered man twisted the sign and the body twitched like a fish on a hook.

Rodrigo shook with so much fear that it almost stopped his heart but suddenly Jay appeared. He was bloodied and wounded, even more so than before. Rodrigo rushed to the door and watched as Jay struggled with the key cards. The man with the hockey mask peeled an officer's like a banana before pulling out the spine and spinning it about the precinct.

Just as Jay opened the door, the spine and head hit the window with a splat. The lake monster saw them. Jay and Rodrigo rushed away as they heard the killer destroy desks and chairs in his path. They held onto each other as they maneuvered over bodies and wiring. The police station was destroyed with bits of wall and ceiling crumbling everywhere. Rodrigo remembered Jojo and the two stopped to figure out a plan.

They were right by the front doors. Fires and chaos waited outside. The man covered in moss burst into the hall. So did the officer with the red hair. Without hesitation, the officer shot at the crazed killer. She guarded the couple as she fired shot after shot. The officer told them where to find her car before handing Rodrigo keys. She screamed for them to run and Jay pulled Rodrigo away from the gunfight.

They continued into the destroyed police station determined to find Jojo. Whoever that officer was, she was putting up a fight. Screams and gunshots echoed behind them as they went down the stairs. Jay yelled for Jojo and Rodrigo just yelled. They knew it was crazy to go deeper into the precinct when they could have escaped but the couple could not leave Jojo.

Just by the evidence room, they heard something. Someone was coughing and weezing. They heard the labored cries for help in between the lake monster thrashing about above them. In the tiny broom closet across the hall they found Jojo. They were bruised, beaten, and barely recognizable. The cops had brutalized them. Jay helped Rodrigo get Jojo up and told Rodrigo the plan. There was no time to argue because the masked man smashed the door of the closet.

Jay ran one way and Rodrigo the other. The man from the lake reached for Rodrigo but Jay grabbed a fire extinguisher. He used it. Foam burst out and now the killer turned their attention to Jay. He ran down the hall and towards another staircase. Jay's sneakers squeaked on the tiles as they ran up the stairs. He pulled a gun from a dead cop  not looking to see if it was loaded before he continued through the upper offices of the precinct.

The smell of shit and death filled the air as Jay found a space to wait for the masked man to come. Only he didn't. Jay caught his breath and realized the thing had not followed him up the stairs. Panic filled his heart and mind as he rushed back towards the stairs. As he made it down and back into the lobby he almost ran right into the brutal slasher.

The killer stood there for a moment before Jay started firing. The man from the lake went to charge Jay but there were lights and a car horn. Suddenly a car flew through the front doors and right into the moss covered man. Jay dove out of the way and watched as Rodrigo drove until the car would no longer move. The masked man crumbled in on himself before being crushed under rock and rubble.

Jay helped Rodrigo from the car and the two rushed to Jojo who still clung to life on the steps of the police station. The three maneuvered through the parking lot to the sounds of screaming and sirens. At the edge of the lot they found the mutilated body of Officer Cod sitting in his squad car. As Rodrigo and Jay removed the body, Jojo got into the back. Jojo began to scream.

In the broken door frame of the police station stood the killer. They no longer had the hockey mask. In the moonlight, the trio saw the grotesque face of a zombie creature who refused to die. Jay told Rodrigo to get into the car. The killer started walking towards them. Rodrigo got into the driver's seat but the car would not start. Jay told him to try again.

Jay fired off a few shots but they did not slow the killer. He walked with a menacing pace that seemed to match Rodrigo's heartbeat. Jay ran out of ammo and the car had not started. Rodrigo swore he was extremely unlucky or cursed and apologized to Jay and Jojo. Jay said that he had to keep trying.

The car would not turn over. It would not start up. The killer was halfway to the car when Rodrigo saw the number seven. He tried again. Seven counselors. Tried again. Seven cabins. Again. Seven days before the massacre. Rodrigo tried again. Seven dead. On the seventh try the car roared to life. Jay screamed and Rodrigo drove the car forward just as the killer swung a machete into the trunk.

The three of them sped away from the police station and into the destruction of Crystal Lake. There were overturned cars, broken glass, and random people all about the streets. All hell had broken loose. The man from the lake left a path of death on his way to the police station and the three raced through it. Rodrigo would not stop driving until he saw his old neighborhood. Cornfields and farmland whisked by like a blur. The couple drove in a painful quiet as the sun rose and began to wash away the horror of that Friday the 13th.

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