Ashley's Death

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"No! Ashley!" That was the last thing Ashley heard. She saw a hand reach towards her and then a blinding light. Then the world went blank. She awoke to find herself laying down on a.... cloud? She felt around. She was in a white flowing robe. She glanced into the sky. Had she... Died? The last thing she remembered was walking across the street... Someone screamed and then... She'd been hit by a truck. She looked up. 'I'm in heaven?'

"Yes, my child. This is heaven." Ashley jerked back just to see a formless pure figure in front of her. Was this god? "Yes, I am god. I have witnessed your life and decided to reincarnate you. Do you accept your reincarnation?" God asked Ashley. Ashley thought for a moment. Didn't people who reincarnate live happily ever after in some other world? She'd miss her family, but she'd make a new one! And find her true love! The otaku side of Ashley was beginning to shine. God nodded. "I shall grant your wish. Sleep my child, and when you awake, you will have been reincarnated." Ashley felt her eyes grow heavy. She shut them and laid down on the cloud. Here comes her happily ever after!

Ashley woke up with a start. She glanced around. This was her room. She looked at her hands and jumped up to look into a mirror just to see her own face. 'Was it all a dream?' It must have been. She wasn't reincarnated.

Ashley went downstairs. She was 16, but her parents were never home. She was an only child. She'd learned to be independent at a young age. She made herself some pancakes and proceeded on with her day. She got a serious sense of deja vu when she crossed the street to go to school. Then she heard it. "No! Ashley!" then the blinding flash.

Ashley woke up once again in her bed. Was that a dream? Was it all a dream? She was still in her body. It must have been a dream. Ashley once again went through her day, but taking the dream as a premonition she took the subway to school.

"Don't move." Ashley felt a knife dig into her back. She suppressed the urge to scream as her face paled. "Give me all the money you have!" Ashley had to stop herself from chuckling. 'Don't move but give me all your money!' she nodded and slowly reached around to her purse. She didn't have much money, but she did have pepper spray. She quickly grabbed it and sprayed it into the guy's eyes. "Ahhh!" He screamed. "You bitch!" He lunged forward and stabbed Ashley's stomach. Ashley clutched her stomach. She was bleeding heavily. Her body felt heavy. Was this it? Was she going to die? She saw the onlookers watching, but no one reached out to help her. She chuckled. She'd died all alone on a subway.

Ashley once again woke up in her room, in her bed, in her own body. "Weird... What's going on?" Ashley couldn't help but mumble to herself. She got up and prepped herself for the day. She couldn't walk and she couldn't take the subway. She decided to call a friend.

Brianna drove into her driveway and honked the horn. "Hurry up Ash! It was super short notice! We're gonna be late!" Brianna screamed from the driveway. Ashley ran outside and got in the passenger seat.

"Sorry! Let's hurry!" Ashley hurriedly combed through her long black hair with her fingers. She'd worn a white dress today that reached her midthigh. She also had on black ankle-high boots. In her dream, she'd worn a t-shirt and jeans, so maybe dressing differently would change the outcome.

"You look nice~" Brianna backed out of the driveway. "You got a hot date?" Ashley sighed and blushed a little. A date. As if. Brianna was just teasing her. She was only 16, and she was too shy to talk to any boys.

"No, can't I just dress nicely for me?" Ashley brushed her bangs out of her amber eyes. She'd gotten her fair complexion from her mom and her personality from her dad. He was rather shy and reserved, and so was Ashley.

"Yeah, yeah." Brianna started driving on her highway when her phone dinged. She grabbed it and started reading her texts.

"Um, can you pay attention to the road?" Ashley was nervous that her dreams would come true and she would die before arriving at school.

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