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Akane came to the diner everyday for a month.

Each visit was the same. He and Teru would talk for thirty minutes- mainly conversations full of teasing and or playful arguing- before Akane had to leave for some sort of 'club.' The two never crossed paths in school, nor did they try to. So they remained friends within the diner only, never speaking a word to each other outside of it. They only went out together once.

That meant that Teru got nowhere when it came to uncovering their past relationship. Akane wouldn't open up about anything too personal; Teru still knew very little things about him.

Akane was a star student with perfect grades. He specialized in time manipulation and wasn't too bad with it. He was pretty good, actually- though he always strived to be better because of an 'incident' he didn't want to talk about.

Akane had a best friend named Aoi and he thought she was really nice. He had a crush on her in elementary school, but they were better off just friends. In fact, they still were friends.

The club Akane went to only had a few people. It was in an empty classroom, room 211 to be specific. He never said what it was for, but he met with someone specific there every morning after going to the diner.

Akane liked cats and he liked the warm weather. He liked raspberries and he liked coding. He liked rings and he liked blankets. (He might've liked Teru, too.)

There were bad things as well, of course. Everyone had their flaws.

Akane was scared of loud sounds. He said they made his heart race; he claimed they reminded him of something he didn't want to remember. He said that was why he only came to the diner at five, when it was mostly empty and quiet. Crowds made his fear worse.

Akane was extremely stubborn (that he had known from the start, he just didn't know it was THAT bad..) and could argue for hours on end if he had the time. He wasn't exactly stuck up, but he was always determined to prove his points.

Akane was very strict with schedules. He absolutely refused to mess anything up. Anything slightly out of order would frustrate him, and he would have to fix it right away.

Akane failed to take care of himself. He prioritized his work over anything else, especially his health. He slept around twelve in the morning and woke up around four thirty. He got five hours of sleep (at most) on good days.

But the most important thing out of all those stupid facts Teru had memorized was that Akane Aoi was a boy he had met before.

When exactly it was, he wasn't so sure. He had one hint, and at most, maybe two.

It was sometime in middle school. Mei never told him any more than that, and Akane always avoided the topic.

It still wasn't fair.

Why wasn't anyone telling him? Not Mei, not Akane- he even reached out to other friends, but none of them could remember anything from middle school.

Really, what had happened?

It was his main goal to have Akane trust him, of course; but he was also desperate to find out about the past, as well. It would have given him a better understanding of Akane.

He was able to understand everyone else well, making Akane different. He stood out and Teru liked that. He was complicated and difficult to figure out.

How was Teru supposed to make him break?

When he thought about it, the phrase sounded wrong. It sounded like he planned on hurting Akane's feelings- and that was the opposite of what he wanted.

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