"I wonder whatever happened to Rizzo and Kenickie." I said softly, glancing over to Daniel.
Strands of his shiny blond hair fell over his forehead as he tilted his head, watching the movie. Daniel stayed quiet, not looking at me. He shifted in the passenger's seat. I knew he'd heard me.
Wait. Passenger's seat?
Although he was on the passenger's side, he gripped the steering wheel. I looked around the rest of the drive-in's lot, looking to see if everyone's cars were like that now. But the lot was empty.
Rizzo sang There Are Worse Things I Could Do on the large movie screen. I held the popcorn bucket close to my heart, just barely moving my lips to the song. She was always my favourite. She might not have been nice all the time, but she had people who loved her.
The rumble of a motorcycle sounded from behind me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, knowing who it was.
Jensen rolled up beside me and got off his bike, resting his forearms on my car door. "What's shaking, Angelface?" He said.
He wore a white t-shirt under his leather jacket, and his hair was all greased up and combed like the guy in the movie.
Except it wasn't Rizzo anymore. I turned back to the screen. A girl and a boy played around on a beach together as the sun set. The movie had started over. And instead of the real music in the scene, Puppy Love by Paul Anka played somewhere in the distance.
Jensen played with the ribbon in my hair.
Ribbon in my hair?
I was wearing a light blue poodle skirt with a matching cardigan draped over my shoulders. Odd. Did they change the uniform at work?
"Catching a flick with Danny." I responded, reaching for more popcorn. My fingers grasped something else instead.
An M&M?
They'd been mixed in with my popcorn. A weird combination, but the colours mixed in and the odd sweet and salty flavour actually delighted me.
He pointed to my right, nodding over. "Actually, it looks like Danny's playing some back seat bingo with the dolly in the flip top over there."
I looked over to see Danny making out with a redhead in another convertible. One that I hadn't seen when I looked around the first time. Come to think of it, that looked a lot like my car.
"That is your car, baby." Jensen said, reading my thoughts.
I darted my eyes around me. He was right. I wasn't sitting in my car. I haven't been this whole time. This car was blue and definitely from the fifties. And another thing?
There was no steering wheel in this car.
"How... how am I supposed to drive home?" I asked Jensen.
He shrugged. "When Danny's done with them, I'm sure he'll drive you wherever he likes."
My head snapped back to my right. Daniel was with two girls now.
Nicole and Sarah, another one of those girls who tortured me in school.
"What's he doing with them? He hated them." I asked.
Jensen brushed a lock of hair behind my ear. "Did he?" My arms prickled with goosebumps as I watched them. "C'mon Angel, you know better than that. You're not the only one who can keep secrets."

His Angel
RomanceANGELINA RUSHMORE One year off. That was the deal. Get a job, get a hobby, or get into a school. None of those options included 'get a hot new roomie who just so happens to be your brother's best friend.' I have one year to figure out what I want to...