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This isn't a story of romance and love.

It isn't a story of betrayal.

This is a story of the outcast finally finding where he belongs in the crazy world of high school.

Michael is one of my best friends and now, even my other friends love him as much as I do. He added the color to my friends, and I'm not just saying that because he dyes his hair bright colors once a month.

I would do anything for my friends and I know they would do anything for me as well.

We all met Mia a month ago. She is the sweetest girl on the planet with giant green eyes. I thought Michael's smile couldn't get bigger at prom when all of our friends danced together, but the second that Michael laid eyes on his baby sister, the smile was indescribable. I teared up at the happy reunion.

Everything happens for a reason? Definitely.

Everyone has a destiny? Sure.

I believe that we were meant to be Michael's friends. We got him out of his depression, out of the dark hole he was in. He is officially allowed to get off of his antidepressant, as said by his doctor. He still has to take his anxiety medicine, but he is hoping to get off of that one eventually.

Over the last six months, I have made a new friend that I will proudly say is one of my best friends. I have never cried, laughed, and worried that much, but it is all so worth it to have Michael by my side.

Well, this is all for today, my friend. I wish you well.

Love Always,


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