Chapter 4

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"Dylan! Come back here with that! I need to do my homework!" I yelled, running after the brunette that was carrying my math book.

"Not until you have some fun!" We were outside on the patio, enjoying the randomly nice day and I was attemping to get some homework done, but my friend was preventing that.

"Please, Dyl?" I didn't know what it was, but whenever I call him 'Dyl' he would always cave. I even convinced him to get a pedicure with me once.

"Fine." He handed me the heavy book and I sat back down. I worked out four problems before I looked back up. Dylan was watching me.

"What are you looking at?"

"Did you know that you bite your lip when you are thinking?"

"I do?"

"Yeah." I don't know why he kept watching my face as I worked, but it was kind of funny at some points. Like he tries to play it off all cool-like, when in reality, he looks dorky.

"Wanna go get dinner now? I'm starving." I shut the book and looked at him.


"I'll text the others and tell them that we are heading that way."


To The Group Chat: Hey! Dyl and I are heading to the cafeteria for dinner if you guys wanted to meet us there.

Lukey: I'll be there soon, finishing laundry.

Cal: Ash and I are just finishing up at the gym, so we'll be there after we shower.

Si: I just walked through the door with Emma, so hurry up! We will be at the usual table!

To The Group Chat: Okay! See you guys soon!

"Come on slow poke." I chuckled, walking backwards towards the building in which we recieve our food.

"Why don't you slow down, Speedy Gonzales." He replied.

"Because I just had a double shot of espresso to keep me awake while I did my homework and I can't sit still anymore." I grinned.

"You're going to run into something."

"No I won't."

"Yes you will."

"No I won't."

"Yes you will." I was about to open my mouth when I tripped and landing on my butt. "See told you." Dylan reached down and helped me up, I glared at the tree root before turning back to my friend.

"That was different. I didn't run into anything, I was tripped. There is a difference."

"What ever you say, Alice."


"Alice? Alice in Wonderland?"

"What about her?" He face palmed before looking at me again.

"She tripped and fell down a rabbit's hole. You tripped and fell down."

"Wow! Okay!"

"You're so dumb sometimes, I swear." He ran a hand through his shaggy brown hair. We joked around with each other the entire way to the cafeteria. We quickly went through the line and sat down with Emma and Siena. Luke joined us soon after that, followed by Calum and Ashton.

"It's only the third day back and I already can't wait for spring break." Luke told us, laying his head down on the table.

"It's okay." I chuckled, rubbing his back. "Everything will be okay."

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