~iM NoT GooD WItH TiTLeS~

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Tubbo shook me awake, it only felt like I slept for 5 minutes. I could barely hear what he was saying, but I somehow made out that he said we were here. We exited our plane and tubbo dragging me along to find ranboo. I've never met ranboo before, I've said hi in tubbos stream while walking by before but I've never actually talked to him. At this moment I was focused on one thing and one thing only. Sleep. I was so tired I don't think I could even see straight. We eventually found ranboo we said hi and walked out to his car, him and tubbo were talking on the way to his car I just walked silent cause I don't even know if I could talk at that state. I haven't been this tired in forever. We made it out to ranboo car and we put our stuff in along with jolt. We got in, tubbo in the passenger and me in the back and ofc ranboo driving, duh. I immediately fell asleep. I was somehow curled in a little ball on the back seat with my head on the car door. I could hear faint talking but soon enough sleep claimed my body fully. I remember tubbo saying something about how it was like an hour drive from the airport to where everyone was staying.

~~~time skip brought to you by once again adhd :) ~~~

Tubbo shook me awake, again. So I'm guessing we were here. I felt so much better all tho I couldn't see. Wait why couldn't I see- i soon found out it was my hair in my face. Must have went flat from sleeping ( going flat is what I call my hair when it flattens down threw the day).

( you have hair like them, if u know them from tiktok then there's a example lmao

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( you have hair like them, if u know them from tiktok then there's a example lmao. Feel free to change it tho! Also that picture isn't me it's a person from tiktok and I like their hair so here's a example 💀)

My hair was a little grown out again, and I liked it. I like my hair fluffy, I don't like it long but I like the looks when it's out grown a bit. I didn't really like it over my eyes tho. I was snapped out of my daze by tubbo, "Y/n are you okay?? You seem a little blind there" i laughed a little bit. "Oh yea no I can't see shit" tubbo and a few other people laughed. I could see a little bit so walking wasn't hard. They showed me to my room and I unpacked my stuff, at this point I tied my hair back out of my face, the top was up in a lil man bun so it was just a lil man bun with my out grown under cut. ( if ykyk- I tried my best to explain it cause I couldn't find a picture) I got done packing and went to go clean myself up a bit. I left my hair alone in the man bun cause I didn't feel like fixing it. I put my binder on with some black skinny jeans with a few holes in them, with a plain white tee shirt with a couple necklaces, rings And changed out my piercings to fit my outfit (if you chose to keep the septum and nose piercings that's what I mean lmao) and went down stairs. They said we were doing some kind of irl stream today. (Not the extreme tag yet) We got split into teams, for some reason Ted put me with ranboo. Apparently we were going to the beach. At this moment in time I knew I was fucked. I couldn't swim or people would know I was trans. I got a moment to talk to tubbo, "tubbo what do I do! " I whisper yelled. "What do you mean? " I motioned toward my chest meaning my binder would show. I was wearing swim shorts and a shirt so i didn't look suspicious. "Ohh I forgot about that, I mean as long as you keep your shirt on you should be fine" you thought for a minute, "but what if its visual threw my shirt? " tubbo looked stumped at that one until he said something that might work, yea I felt bad for not telling them but I didn't know how they would react. I was gonna tell them this trip tho. "Well what if you only go in to your knees" I thought that would be to suspicious so, I decided to tell them. I wasn't gonna tell the public yet, just them. "I'm just gonna tell them tubs. What's the worst thing that could happen" he looked over at me shocked, I was one for confidence but with something like this is where I stepped down. "Y/n are you sure? I mean I'm sure they'll accept you but are you sure your ready? " I looked over at him, "I'm sure tubs" I said with a smile. Luckly not everyone was here yet, it was just me, tubbo, ranboo, Ted and sneeg. And I started testosterone around 2 months ago do my voice was starting to drop a bit, tubbo always picked on me how I sounded like a teenage boy going threw Puberty, which wasn't bad I mean at least it was noticeable. Right now it was just a little raspy. We got to the beach and I told them before we started streaming. They all were really chill about it. They all were really accepting and a huge huge weight got lifted off my shoulders. I felt so much better. They said if I didn't have to get in the water if I didn't want to. I said I'd have to change out of my binder to swim and lucky for me I brought plan sports bra, they said the camera couldn't get that close to the water so they might just vlog it so they didn't have to worry about dropping the camera they said it wouldn't be too visibil in the water so I agreed. Tubbo walked me to the bathroom and I changed and put my shirt back on. They started vlogging and we walked down to the water, tubbo looked at me and I gave him a reassuring smile. I was only like ankle deep everyone was tryna get me to come in so I went down to my knees. I must've been in a daze cause I didn't see Ted come up and grab my wrist I heard everyone laughing and soon enough I was yanked under the water. I wasn't expecting it so I me being me I choked on water. I came back up and started coughing. We could still stand so I was like 9 inches above the water, "damn bro you good? " sneeg said laughing, I shook my head laughing. "You sure? You seem like your dying there" ranboo said with a  chuckle tubbo was almost dead laughing "yea- I'm - fine-" I said still coughing and laughing. I eventually calmed down and they ended the vlog and we went back to the beach.

A/n: sorry I didn't write yesterday or the day before, I got really sick yesterday and I was vomiting :) not gonna get into detail also this isnt proof read cause I'm lazy, and I ended up making it where you told them you were trans in this chapter cause I couldn't figure out where I was going with it lmao. But have a good day/night/evening! Make sure to eat and drink something and take care of yourself! Love y'all 💙

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