Chapter 4

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"You're such an idiot," Rosé groaned, looking down at Lisa as she spotted her chest presses.

"Feeling confused about mixed signals doesn't make me an idiot. Also, I was hospitalized for minor hypothermia, so who knows if what I heard was a dream or reality," Lisa grunted.

"She slept at your bedside. Your bedside," Rosé retorted. "Hypothermia-induced dreams or not, that means something."

"Last month, she said she doesn't want to see me outside of the hospital," Lisa sighed, putting the bar back into the rack and sliding out from under it.

"And last night she watched over you and slept by your side and was royally pissed when she woke up alone. According to Jisoo," Rosé replied, arching a brow in her friend's direction and putting her hands on her hips.

"Well shit," Lisa huffed, pressing the heels of her hands against her eyelids. "How do I make up for that?"

Rosé checked her watch, seeing that it was already past four in the afternoon. "They get off in a few hours, at seven. You could try talking to her."

"And I packed sweats for after work. Fantastic," Lisa sighed, looking down at her sweaty t-shirt.

Rosé cracked a smile and slung an arm across her friend's shoulders. "It pays to have me as a best friend. I have an entire closet in my locker."

"Oooh what about those dark jeans?" Lisa asked, swapping places with Rosé so that she could spot the last set.

"Nope, I'm wearing them."

"Some friend you are," Lisa scoffed.

"You can have the ripped black ones I stole from you last week. They're washed and folded and in the bottom of my locker," Rosé huffed, cranking out her chest presses quickly.

"You steal my clothes and hoard them in your locker?" Lisa asked, raising an eyebrow at Rosé.

She did her last rep and then racked the bar. "You're fucking welcome."

"So... what do I say to her?" Lisa asked, messing with the hem of her t-shirt.


"I'm not saying that," Jennie sighed, taking a long sip of coffee and willing it to chase away the dreariness behind her eyes.

"Let's think about this from Lisa's point of view for a second," Jisoo coached.

"Let's not," Jennie replied, dropping her attention back to Pride & Prejudice.

"Oh no, let's think about it please," Crystal grinned, leaning over the desk in the E.R. to talk to Jennie.

"Can't you just leave me to read and mope in peace?"

"You told her you didn't want to see her outside of the hospital-" Jisoo started.

"But then I told her I'm not all work and kissed her and fell asleep at her bedside," Jennie defended, almost deciding to abandon the book since she knew Jisoo and Crystal weren't going to let this go.

"While she was dealing with some minor hypothermia," Crystal mumbled.

"Yeah, Lisa was chatty, but she was a little out of it," Jisoo nodded.

Jennie sighed and looked up from the book, narrowed eyes moving between them. "She left. I'm working. Whatever, life goes on."

"You're reading actually, and you've been rereading that book for the past few months, so I'd bet that you have it memorized by now," Crystal said, looking down at her watch.

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