Brand new Waters

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And I was running again. You may be asking, Lullah, what are you running from? Well random person who somehow has access to my personal thoughts, the answer is I'm running from Pan. Peter Pan to be exact. Yep, the very same one on Neverland and the very same villain that killed Captain Hook. Well, the old Captain Hook. But yes, I said villain. Most universes got the idea of Peter Pan completely wrong. What he truly is is a power hungry psychopath who steals children and kills them when they don't want to be young anymore. Anyway where was I? Oh yeah, running.

Well not really running. I'm sailing. Most of my crew is the ghosts of past lost boys or people I've rescued. Living crew was left in the forest a while ago. If he was here the only living person here would be Henry. He's my first mate. He disappeared 20 years ago. Whatever realm would probably be only 2 years, so he would be 17. I age slower than most people, and when Henry stayed with me we both aged slower. If I went to a land without magic I'd age normally, and if he's there he would be 17 like I am now. But he isn't here and I had to focus.

I concentrated on where we were in the sea of realms and universes. I focused on running, far and wide. I focused on a place with no way to get to without permission. And soon, the wind picked up and we were sucked into a new place with new waters. I leaned against the mast and sighed, before realizing that my boat and I weren't in the water. We were on land.

I reeled my magic so that my boat shrank and my crew disappeared from view. I hooked the boat onto my belt and began to walk around the forest. I stuck out. I had a trench coat over my loose hanging pants and tank top with a pirate hat on my head. My hair laid in curls under it, still wet from salt water. I looked like I belonged to the sea. Which I do.

I didn't mind the forest though. My formative years were spent among the trees. So the squelch of mud under my boot was familiar. But I couldn't help but think that someone was trying to watch me magically. I touched my amulet, it was still there. I also knew that someone was here. It looked like Neverland but the magic felt slightly off. Even Henry who was the Truest Believer didn't make the magic act up this much.

I kept walking through the trees, following wherever my instincts took me. I was zoned out until I heard a voice over my shoulder.

"Lullah?" A smaller voice came from behind me. I turned around to see Slighty, his ghost but I digress. He looked around like he was scared.

"Yeah slighty?" I asked, my voice coming out slightly more motherly. My accent was still thick and drawling though.

"Why are we back in Neverland?" He sounded scared and my heart broke for him, he shouldn't have to go through all of this. I smiled at him and knelt down, careful about where I put my legs.

"I don't know yet kiddo. But, if you want," I looked behind him to the ghosts of the other lost boys in by crew ranging from 8 to 16, "if any of you want to leave to the astral realm or Enchanted forest you tell me. You'll only be visible to me here." A few lost boys stepped forward and held out their hands. This is how I would send them back. More moved until all of the younger kids and most of the older kids stepped forward. The three that hung back were the oldest of the group, Alex, Thomas, and Peter. They had been with me for the longest. I nodded to them before holding out my own hands. One by one the lost boys touched my hand and I believed they were back in the enchanted forest. One by one they disappeared from my sight and from the island. When all of them were gone I stood up and brushed off my pants.

"Well, we have to keep moving." I stood up and straightened my coat, making sure I could reach my pistol. "We should be okay as long as we," the second I look up I see the boys rushing to help me but I feel a blunt force on the back of my head and I see the world fade from my sights as my hands are bound behind my back my a thick rope.

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