Everything's Compromisable

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The Joker stands up from the couch and holds his hand out to his wife. Jeannie swallows as she slips her hand into his. "Johnny," the Joker calls out, "see to it that the Penthouse is vacated at once."

Frost allows a faint glimmer of a smile grace his lips, "Yes sir," he nods, knowing damn well what the Joker had up his sleeve. He watches as his boss leads the misses to his bedroom. So Frost is quick to follow orders. He can't help but to notice the sound of the lock clicking on the Joker's bedroom door.

Inside the bedroom the estranged couple stand a pace apart, just staring at one another. Jeannie's lips part, "I've never been with another man since you," she whispers.

The corner of the Joker's mouth turns up slightly, "I know," he nods and then looks down to his hands, "And I've killed every woman I've been with since you. Call it guilt, shame even, because I've never thought of myself as anything but your husband."

Jeannie isn't sure what to say. A part of her appreciated his honesty. But another part of her knew it was rather disturbing. Every time Jeannie looks at the Clown Prince, all she sees is Jack. But Jack was the Joker now. And the Joker was a very dangerous man. The kind of man who has sex with someone and then killed them. How could that not come off as disturbing? But this was still the same husband that she could never stop loving.

The Joker steps closer to Jeannie. His hand lightly rests at her cheek as his green eyes stare deeply into hers. "You're afraid of me now, aren't you? I shouldn't have been so ...forthcoming with the facts." He realizes he's said far too much already. Things like that were sure to chase her away again. And this time, that's the last thing he wants.

Jeannie shakes her head, "No. I appreciate your honesty J," she tells him.

His brows scrunch with concern, "But in the back of your mind you're asking yourself if I'm going to do the same thing to you, aren't you?" He ponders as his eyes trace over all of her features. How could she not fear him?

Jeannie's hand slides up his chest, "I'm willing to take my chances," she says softly, her expression reflecting her lack of fear.

A smirk comes to the Joker's lips and he gently kisses his beloved wife. He dips down and sweeps her up into his arms and carries her over to his bed. He sits her down and then sits next to her. He wanted to rip her apart, in a very lustful kind of way. He wanted to be greedy and selfish. He wanted it to be hard and fast. But he has to remember, those were the things that the Joker liked. He couldn't be the Joker right now. Jeannie needed Jack. And thankfully, she brought Jack to the surface.

As they kiss his fingers find the hem of her shirt and slowly starts to raise it over her head. Jeannie's own fingers go to the Joker's tie and slips it from the knot. Then she starts undoing the buttons on his shirt. His hands slip around her back and unclasp her bra. His hands work underneath the padding as Jeannie pushes his shirt off his shoulders.

The Joker gently lays them back. He discards her bra and buries his face into her breasts. Oh how he'd always thought that they were so perfect. Because Jeannie would always be perfect in his eyes. Nobody could ever compare or begin to replace her. That's why he's killed every lover since her.

As they continued to refamilarize themselves with one another again, more and more clothes became discarded onto the floor. And then there they both were, naked in each other's arms again. Both feeling like it was the first time all over again.

They revel in the rediscovery of all the things that they thought had been lost or forgotten. But fortunately the mind can be jogged. By a sensory trigger, like a smell, a sound, a visual reminder, a feeling. And right now the space between them was consumed by all of them.

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