The Things We Do For Our Kids

69 11 20

The Joker sits in a SUV outside of the GCPD. He looks down at the gold AK-47 on his lap. He puts a fully loaded clip into it. He glances over at his head henchmen, Johnny, who was doing the same.

"Try to refrain from creating casualties," the Joker sighs.

Frost looks to him in confusion, "You want to storm the GCPD, gain access to the roof, and not kill any cops?"

"That is correct Johnny. It'll just rub batsy the wrong way. I'm trying to get him to actually show up to dinner. So best behavior is a must," the Joker tells him.

"Boss, the cops are going to shoot us first and ask questions later," Frost voices his concerns.

"No, you see, we're going to go in with one of their boys in blue as a hostage," the Joker explains as he looks in the side mirror. "In fact, here comes one now." He waits for the cop to walk past and quietly jumps from the vehicle. He grabs the cop around the shoulders and puts the barrel of the AK-47 to his jugular. "Good evening officer," he purrs, "I'm going to require your services I'm afraid. You see, I need a hostage so let's go," he pushes the cop toward the front doors of the GCPD.

The cop looks over his shoulder and sees who's holding the gun on him. And in that second, his life flashes before his eyes. There was no way he was getting out of this alive. The Joker had no moral qualms about shooting anyone, much less a cop. The Joker pulls the cops back into his chest. He pulls out his 1911 and places it to the man's head. The AK-47 was for the threat of crowd control.

Frost takes his place next to the Joker's side. "Ready boss," he raises a matching AK-47.

The doors of the GCPD are pushed open and the men walk inside. It only takes a second before cops are shouting, "It's the Joker!!!" They draw weapons. Some take cover. Some bravely march up to the front lines.

"Wow, I'm actually impressed with your response time, ha ha haaaaa!" The Joker laughs.

"Let go of the hostage now!!!!"

The Joker smirks, "I'm afraid I won't be doing that. You see, I just can't trust any of you to not shoot me. We both know you're already staring at my kill zones, just waiting for one wrong move on my behalf. And you also know that if I wanted to slaughter you all, you wouldn't have seen it coming. I simply need to gain access to your rooftop," the Joker explains to them.

"For what?!?!" A cop calls out.

The Joker's eyes look up in thought, "For personal business reasons. Once I'm safely on the roof, I'll probably let your man go," he shrugs.

"Probably?!?!" The hostaged cop says with huge eyes.

The Joker rolls his eyes, "A 50/50 chance is better than a zero one. You should be greatful for that." Then he tings him in the back of the head with his gun and they start slowly walking forward.

"Are we seriously just gonna let the Joker stroll right through the GCPD like he owns it?!" A cop calls out. He's barricaded behind a desk. The Joker thinks it's funny how the biggest cowards are always the loudest.

They make it to the elevator. The Joker reaches into his pocket and pulls out a homemade bomb he holds it to the cops throat and Johnny tapes over it. "It's fitted with a camera," the Joker says, "If anybody tries to remove or disarm it...well, I'll have no choice but to push the button on the detonator in my pocket. So no funny business. When I depart from the premises the bomb will be deactivated," he tells all in reach of his voice. "Oh, and just because I like covering all the bases, the entire building is rigged to go with it. Any questions?"

"How do we really know you won't blow us all up anyway?!" Someone asks.

"Well, I suppose you have a valid point," the Joker nods, "but there's always hope. Ha ha haaaaa!"

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