Epilogue: Contractor's Smile, Dragon's Defilement

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"Your bride is twenty?"

Bingryong, who lives at the edge of the North Sea, asked slowly. The opponent was not originally a slow talker.

"I heard a long time ago that a special race somewhere in the south has their own calculus. In their society, one year means a hundred years of human beings. Is your bride from there?"

Even so, I'm still a thousand years younger than you. That's roughly what it meant.

zeno quietly shook his head. Bingryong put down the hookah pipe and clicked his tongue.

"My old colleague was a pervert child." "Hey... ... ."

"Even if a dragon is not bound by the moral morals of human society. Whether it's shame or dignity, huh? There is such a thing."

The eyes of two transcendent beings met. "Even the contractor's daughter?"

Bingryong clicked his tongue once more. He exaggeratedly puffed out hookah smoke and rubbed his chin, pretending to be using a beard that didn't even exist.

At first glance, it seems that he is scolding an old colleague for beating a young human bride. It seems like a gentle rebuke. But zeno knew what his opponent was. Bingryong is going to die because of zeno's situation. He pretended to rub his chin and covered the corners of his fluttering lips, he saw everything.

Even though I had already told all the circumstances, it was painful to revisit the part where zeno was stabbed. As he glared at him, he smirked as if he didn't know why he was doing this, and then giggled and laughed. "It's fun. It is also something to see and live for a long time."

It was absurd for a man who lived a long time to say such a thing.

"Did any of the Dragons accept humans as companions? ... . It seems that there are only two people who have been beaten as companions other than being drunk as playmates, but I don't know if my memory is clear. If you're sure, you'll be the third."

Now he was blatantly mocked. "Congratulations."

"If I had known that I would like you this much, I would have invited you to the wedding."

"Are you ready to go?"

Bingryong slapped his knees and burst into laughter. Had he laughed a little louder, the whole ice castle would have shaken.

"Did you post anything like that? Ah ha ha ha ha! Wedding ceremony? Did you really do that?"

"I didn't."

"Hey, it's boring."

It didn't take long for the corners of the mouth, which had gone down, to return to their original position. Even if the cumbersome and noisy human ceremonies were not held, the fact that the dragon Zeno had a 20-year-old young bride did not change.

Seriously, the wedding took place two years ago, so the bride must have been 18 at the time.

The joy of having something to play with over and over again overwhelmed Bingryong. On the other hand, Zeno felt the urge to return to Michaela after finishing the interview with Seongju.

In the worst case, you may have to be the talker of an old colleague all night long. The Dragon's sense of time is different from that of a human, so he used to waste a week on trivial entertainment. It may have been in the past, but now it was a no-brainer.

The opponent caught Zeno who was about to get up.

The spring with the effect of eternal life is at the southern end, so why did he come to the North Sea where there are blizzards and glaciers? Zeno's answer to this was simple.

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