Aunt Prim

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Long Aftet the Games, Peeta and Katniss are sitting in there living room, cleaning the house ewhen they come across an old family picture. Their child, Rue, comes up to them with the picture and says "Mommy, who is the girl in the picture?" Peeta looks at Katniss, but she answeres, "Her name is Prim, she is your Aunt. She was kind,brave, and very special to me." Rue looks at her mother, on the verge of tears. "Mommy, were is Aunt Prim?" Peeta quickly responds before Katniss starts crying, "She is in a much better place now, with her daddy, our friend Rue, and uncle Finnick. But don't worry, sweetie you will see them someday." Rue starts counting in her fingers and says,"Mommy?Daddy? Was her name Primrose?" Katniss tensed at the sight of her sisters name. "Yes, Rue, that her name." She answered. "Is that why my middle name is Primrose?" "Yes because you are like your aunt, brave, kind, and beautiful." responded katniss before she went back to cleaning. Little Rue might not know her aunt, but she knew that when she met her , that she was going to hug her tight and say," My Mommy misses you."

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