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So I finally sold the damn thing. It was great finally getting rid of it. I'm on gabapentin now to help with my anxiety and shit, and it's working great. I've gotten a lot of stuff done with mom over the course of a few weeks. We've sweeped and mopped the basement, put a carpet down, and I finally got rid of some of those movies festering in the corner and collecting dust.

I've been getting really into roblox, specifically the game outlast. You get to compete on different teams and try not to get voted off the island. I think it's pretty cool, considering I'm in my early twenties. I get voted off a lot, but I'm being called a nice person by other players, lol.

I got back from California yesterday. It was a one week trip to hell to see my dad. It was nice listening to him rattle on about chemtrails. Haha, I'm kidding obviously. It wasn't fun, I barely got to see any family there, he says his family sucks. I think it's because when they see me, they see what my mom has done to "poor old dad." hah.

He loves to play the victim. He told me that mom was going to throw him out on the streets, and I believed him because I was only 15. I also got a bridge piercing. It's a piercing on the bridge of your nose, and I think it looks cool. On me at least, other people can't rock it as well, but who am i to judge?

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