Chapter Fourty-Eight: A Winter Chaos! (Season 3 prologue)

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《Back in the future》

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《Back in the future》

Hanagaki Takemichi's POV

Im back..wait..this is the rental shop..and my manager?..seems like nothing has change in this place..

"Oh sorry for making you wait sir, but it seems like we dont have the items you need to buy.." she smiled at him. "Huh?.."

Wait no something's different..whats this designer bag im holding..and this watch?..Heck even this hairstyle?! It looks lame as fuck?!..just what on earth happened to me here..

"Hey you're taking too much time in there. You must've really liked this rental shop huh?" As i walk out of the shop i saw an unfamiliar guy. "Hurry up and get in were going to be late." Late for what?..i thought to myself.

"Where are we going?" I acted out and went with the flow. "Hah? The heck are you talking about, arent we goin to your place?" The man in the glasses asked.

"My place?.."

"Yeah? I mean. Isnt that what you ordered?, im just doing as i was told" The man infront said as he drove. On my orders..what are these two even talking ordering scary guys like them?..

Oh yeah, naoto! I gotta call him now..- wait..his number isnt on my phone.. "takemichi..stop daydreaming, were here" what should i do..i need to find naoto as fast as possible..the guys greated me while bowing gave me some hibijibis..and wait..the other dude just called the guy with glasses yamagishi, then these two might be..

"Makoto..takuya?.." the other two guys turned thier eyes to me as i called their names. "What." They both said in unison.


So these guys are the middle mizu members..that means..did..did i the future? And a condo building..going over to the top?..

When i got inside the room i saw a bunch of men waiting..and is that.. chifuyu?..

"Chifuyu?..oh gosh, good thing i saw you! I dont know what the hell was going on and im suddenly here and-"

"Ey ey ey whats up with you..we need to go to the executives meeting now.." he said as he furrowed his eyebrows. "Eh? For whom..exactly?.." he then turned around and smiled. "Hm? Who else could it be but you? You're the tokyo manji gang's top executive..takemichi." AN EXECUTIVE?!

I entered a room and i saw.. pah-kun? (Hayashida haruki), mutou yasuhiro..kawata nahoya, and peh-yan..and who are the others..hakkai shiba..kokonoi hajime..inui seishu...they were all talking so lively most of all..hanma shuji..he was gone for a long time after their surrender to toman..

Minutes later the door opened and they all bowed kisaki tetta?..wait no something really doesnt feel right..

"Good work today!" They yelled. "Oh my, theres no need to be formal everyone." Kisaki smiled and his smile suddenly dropped when he saw me.. "its really rare for you to show up at our executive meetings" hanma smiled.

"Well i got some important business to do haha."

He glared at we have any problem?..i thought to myself, he then walked closer to me and chifuyu. "Takemichi, chifuyu, mind if we chat for a bit?"

"Sure" we said, then kisaki lead us to a fancy room "woah its amazing.." i said as i looked around in awe. "Its pretty isnt it? Its the shop i built a while ago. Here lets take a seat first before talking, you too chifuyu."

"Ah no thanks. Rather just stand up haha."

"Well youre just as funny as ever arent you chifuyu" kisaki scoffed. Kisaki tetta..pretty harmless guy..but now he's also on the tokyo manji's executive?

Kisaki crossed his legs "so takemichi its been a while isnt it? Hahah oh how fun it is to be a teenager once again..say..have you heard what happened to shuya? You know..hanma shuji's little sibling?"

Did something happened to her?.. i shook my head and chifuyu stared at him blankly. "Back in valhalla. I was hoping to use her for my own advantage..i knew what she was planning all along" he pulled out a diary and put it on the table infront of the two. "Instead i used her brother And  hanemiya go and kill baji keisuke." He poured some wine on their glass. "But according to my plan. She jumped in and took the bait..hahah"

He pushed the two glass closer to me and chifuyu and poured some for his own.

"And after those incident i kept a close eye on her and after a month she was discharged from the hospital she suddenly vanished on her birthday.." kisaki sighed and held his glasses.

"Arent you..friends with shu?.."

"Friends?..yeah she was may friend..first friend actually.."

"Then why're you telling this to us?.." i said as we took a sip on the wine. "Because.."

"You had something to do with her disappearance.."

Our vision became blurry..the next thing we saw was..we were in a room tied up in a chair with a cover on our mouths. I looked over to chifuyu..he look so beat up..he had punch bruises..kisaki was putting on his gloves as he glanced over to us.

"Ah youre awake..well i dont have the luxury of time here. So i'll make it quick and painless for you hanagaki." He glared as he pulled out his gun.."now please answer me"

Chifuyu woke up and saw kisaki pointing his gun at takemichi. "Look here kisaki, we get that youre upset but you dont need to go this far.." kisaki switch his gun and pointed it on chifuyu's direction.. "hey tell you the truth i really dont know what just happened back then! I dont know what to tell you kisaki.." he laughed, and he pulled out a plastic bag and there was her bracelet that kisaki gave her back then. "It was on your drawer."

I feel like i ran out of words to say to him as he was swallowed in hatred.."why even bother finding her after you tried to use her!" Chifuyu's eyebrows furrowed. "Plus yiu even snitched us to the police huh..typical chifuyu..wonder how'd your dead friend feel bout this huh? Traitors." He said as he grind the gun on chifuyu's head. "Whenever i think about the current toman..i feel disgusted on how it turn out to be like this?! I wanted to change it but hanagaki's not involved in the traitor.." he yelled. "We'll see..then..oi, take...michhi..why always act like everything isnt your fault in the very first place?.."

He pointed his gun on my find was full of hands on my back wont stop shaking.. "aren't you takemichi?." He shot my leg as i yelled out in pain. "Kisaki i've told you everything! I said it was my fault! I was the one who snitched!" Chifuyu yelled.

"Well then any last words?" He said as he pointed the gun back to chifuyu's head. "Takemichi please listen to me..please!..mikey's the same but his personality changed ever since shu disappeared.."

"And..i left a note to naoto..go and find him.."

"Take care, partner.."

And with that..a loud back from kisaki's gun..chifuyu's head was blown.

Im still dreaming right?! PLEASE TELL ME..THIS..THIS IS JUST A DREAM RIGHT?!...

Kisai then pointed the gun to me..i cant help but cry..all of these events..they're so sudden.."what the fuck is up with you..HAH HANAGAKI?! YOU'RE AS PATHETIC AS EVER HUH?!"

"Well..thats too bad.."

" 'hero'.."

To be continued》

A/N: some of the plot from the orginal kinda will change in the next ones

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